The mortality in- creased obviously,when serum amylases≥00 U/L(Somogyi),P<0.0.Conclusion Variation of the serum amylase may be an important index to reflect the states and assess the prognosis of the illness. |
中文意思: 血清淀粉酶≥00 U/L,病死率明显增高(P<0.0)。 结论对危重病患者应注意血清淀粉酶的变化,血清淀粉酶可能是反映病情变化、判定预后的一个重要指标。 |
The morphological observation and physiological and biochemical identification of the strains revealed that the 7 strains belonged to six genera,Staphylococcus,Brevibacillus,Bacillus,Clavibacter,Erwinia and Lactobacillus.
通过形态观察和生理生化指标鉴定,7株内生细菌分属于个属,即葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)、短芽孢杆菌属(Brevi-bacillus)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、棍状杆菌属(Clavibacter)、欧文氏菌属(Erwinia)和乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus). |
The morphology and extine sculpture of cultivars and 0 species of pollen in Vitis were studied. The results indicated that the morphology of pollen is different in Vitis. It can be used to idendify the species.
本试验对个品种及0个野生材料的葡萄花粉形态及外壁纹饰进行了观察,结果表明:葡萄花粉在NPC分类系统中属N PC 型,不同种间花粉形态有细微差异,而且这种差异较稳定,可用于不同种间的鉴定研究; |
The morphology of the pallial thickening was studied by Nissl staining.
采用Nissl染色法研究皮质加厚区的核团形态。 |
The mortality decreased significantly(P < 0.0)in aerosol inhalation group(0 % ,0 % , % after 7 h and 0 %, 0 %, % after wk respectively)and high dose gastric ravage group( % after 7 h and 0 % after wk).
雾化吸入给药及高剂量口服给药对腹腔感染肺炎双球菌小鼠的死亡率均有明显的抑制作用,7 h死亡率分别为 0%,0%,%,%, wk死亡率分别为0%,0%,%,0%。 与空白对照组相比有显著差异(P< 0.0)。 |
The mortality from the methanol extracts of Tagetes eracta roots at mg/mL with or without light was .9% or 9.7%,respectively,showing slight light effects.
万寿菊根甲醇提取物浓度 mg/mL时,光照与非光照的死亡率分别为 .9%和9.7%,表现出光活化效应。 |
The mortality in- creased obviously,when serum amylases≥00 U/L(Somogyi),P<0.0.Conclusion Variation of the serum amylase may be an important index to reflect the states and assess the prognosis of the illness.
血清淀粉酶≥00 U/L,病死率明显增高(P<0.0)。 结论对危重病患者应注意血清淀粉酶的变化,血清淀粉酶可能是反映病情变化、判定预后的一个重要指标。 |
The morula rate of oocytes matured with h was significantly higher than that of oocytes matured with h( 8.%vs7. %, P<0.0).
其桑椹胚率 8.%,明显高于h的桑椹胚率7. %(P<0.0)。 |
The most ancient four universities in Scotland, St Andrews University, Glasgow University, Aberdeen University and Edinburgh University, became an important landmark during the development process of modern universities.
圣安德鲁斯大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学和爱丁堡大学这四所苏格兰最古老的大学,成为近代大学发展过程中的一个重要里程碑。 |
The most appropriate cultivating medium of birdsfoot trefoil was UM + ,-D mgL~(-) + KT mg·L~(-) for inducing callus, and MS + NAA0. mg·L~(-)+-BA mg·L~(-) for differentiation, and MS + NAA 0.0 mg·L~(-) for generating roots.
最佳分化培养基为MS+NAA0. mg·L~(-)+-BA mg·L~(-); 最佳生根培养基为MS+NAA0.0 mg·L~(-)。 |
The most appropriate culture mediums were: the medium of inducing clump sprouts was MS+BA .0 mg·L~(-)+NAA 0. mg·L~(-);
最适宜的培养基为: 丛芽分化培养,MS+BA 0mg·L-+NAA0 mg·L-; |
The most common (9 %,8 of 7 species) site type of oviposition is free moving water,including both lentic water (mode ) and lotic water (mode ),which have been considered to be the primitive modes of reproduction in anurans.
研究结果如下: 7 种四川无尾类可以划分为类共种繁殖模式。 水内产卵是比较原始的一类繁殖模式,又分种:静水产卵(模式)和流水产卵(模式),8种(9 %)是在水内产卵; |