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That theory suddenly seems less plausible and yet more profound.

That the word has spread to far-flung corners of the earth is apparent from their high-rise residential blocks for Peking that are now beginning to climb skywards. 这种理念已经远远的传播到地球的另一个角落北京,它迅速的应用于北京的民用建筑中,在那里高层民用建筑群正在迅速的掘起。
That the world can still be surprised says something about Europe's knack for lowering expectations of its economic performance, especially next to America's. 世界仍然大吃一惊说明欧洲降低自身经济业绩预期(特别是低于美国经济业绩预期)有很高的本领。
That the yes-no gesture contrast is probably infantile and not culturally implanted later on is supported by the fact that children who are born deaf and blind fall naturally into the pattern without modelling. 这种肯定否定相对照的动作可能是本能的,而不是从后天文化中移植的,这一点有事实为证:生来又聋又瞎的婴儿勿需模仿,自然而然就会做这个动作。
That theme is personal spiritual development. 那主题就是个人灵性的发展。
That theory has been altered by a successful trip to Ibrox to win the Old Firm derby against Rangers to take a 21-point lead over their rivals, and the 8-1 rout at East End Park. 但这种论调在老字号德比客场击败流浪者,并领先老对手21分以及8-1在东方公园血洗邓福马林之后被打破了。
That theory suddenly seems less plausible and yet more profound. 突然间,那个理论似乎变得不太可信,而且更显深邃、不好理解。
That theory took a serious beating this year. 2006年,颠倒的历史被重新颠倒过来,给他的理论以迎头痛击。
That there came certain from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria, even fourscore men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent, and having cut themselves, with offerings and incense in their hand, to bring them to the house of the LORD. 5第二天,有八十人从示剑和示罗,并撒马利亚来,胡须剃去,衣服撕裂,身体划破,手拿素祭和乳香,要奉到耶和华的殿。
That there exists a direct, and positive, relationship between such behavior consequences as productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, achievement, etc. and the usage of information and information systems. 其存在著行为序列间的引导性、正向关系,如:生产性、有效性、效率、成就等,以及资讯与资讯系统的使用。
That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men -- and, I am afraid, most women -- as bizarre. 说存在着对妇女的歧视,这一看法仍然会使几乎所有的男人——而且恐怕会使大多数女人——感到不可思议。
That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men – and, I am afraid, most women – as bizarre. 说美国存在着对妇女的歧视对于几乎所有男人——还有大多数女人来说——却是不可思议的。

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