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By subtracting the first distance (light to startShadow locator) from the second distance (light to endShadow locator), you get the difference between how far the locators are from the light source.

By submitting this application form, the applicant has agreed to accept the above declaration. 申请人如递交本申请书,即表示同意上述声明.
By submitting this query, you agree to abide by these terms. 通过递交这份查询,你同意遵守这些条款。
By submitting your order either to our partner or to us you consent to the use of your personal information as set forth above and the transfer of that data as outlined in this paragraph to our partners or those individuals or entities we engage to provid 提交你的订单给我们或给我们的合伙人,当你设置的时你可以使用你的个人信息,数据的转移正如刚刚所描述的那样交给我们的合伙人或者给那些我们已赋予它们提供服务权限的个体。
By submitting your registration information, you indicate that you agree to the Terms of Service and have read and understand the Privacy Policy. 注册资料一经提交,即表示您同意我们的服务条款,并且已经阅读并理解我们的隐私权政策。
By substituting with non-invasive breath test with general diagnosis way such as phlebotomization, it not only can reduce the patient's uncomfortable sense but also increase the understanding of basic biochemical function of body by way of information rev 摘要若以呼气测试辅助医师作疾病诊断,替代一般如抽血等的侵入式诊断方式,不但可降低病人的不舒服感,也可藉由呼气中显现的信息增加对身体基本生化功能的了解。
By subtracting the first distance (light to startShadow locator) from the second distance (light to endShadow locator), you get the difference between how far the locators are from the light source. 通过第二个距离(灯到结束阴影点)减去第一个距离(灯到开始阴影点),你得到从定位器间到光源处有多远距离。
By successfully molded in the image of the child, Yu Hua expressed the heart of childhood imprint, and also by the eyes of children thinking of the real world visual expression of feelings and real-life experience, thus completing the reality of suspicion 通过对儿童形象的成功塑造,余华表达了内心的童年印记,同时又借儿童的目光和思维表达了对现实世界的直观感受和真实体验,从而完成对现实规范和生命常态的怀疑和颠覆,同时又使小说在叙述时具有一种温情和残酷水乳交融的情感特征。
By summarizing the development of our continuing education, this thesis illustrates the connotation and denotation of continuing education, discusses the tendency of high level, openness, professionalization, cooperation, and the forming of a complete lif 摘要对我国继续教育发展历程进行概述的基础上,阐述了继续教育的涵义和外延,探讨了我国继续教育向高层次、开放性、专业化、合作办学方向的发展趋势;最终,各种形式的继续教育、职业教育、网络教育等等,将通过整合,走向融合,构建成一个完备的终身教育体系。
By summarizing the practices of ecological agriculture construction, the author drew a conclusion that ecological agriculture is the necessary approach to obtain the sustainable development of agriculture. 摘要通过对中国生态农业建设实践的总结,分析了生态农业是实现农业可持续发展的必然选择。
By summerizing the research work both home and abroad this paper attempts to deal with two issues.On one hand the effect,features and functions and process of electronic commerce logistic system are further analysed in comparison with common logistic syst 本论文在现有国内外对电子商务物流的研究基础上,主要解决两个方面的问题,一方面通过进一步分析论证电子商务物流的作用、特点、服务功能及过程,以显示出它的重要性,使之和一般物流区别开,突出它的特色,使人们对它有更深入的认识,以引起各界人士对它的重视与关注;另一方面,系统的分析电子商务物流系统的构成、合理化途径及设计、评价方法等,使电子商务物流系统的构成合理化,评价方法科学化,以促进电子商务的发展。
By sunset we had covered thirty miles. 到日落的时候,我们已走了三十英里。

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