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But the yen's softness this year is a puzzle.

But the world today is being transformed at an unprecedented pace. 然而,世界正以史无前例的步伐演进。
But the world will not stop just because America has a lame-duck legislature—this week, for example, saw alarming new revelations about Iran's nuclear programme and the brazen mass kidnapping of education officials in Baghdad. 但世界不会因为美国有个跛脚鸭立法机关而停止运转,例如本周伊朗的核项目以及无耻的巴格达教育部官员大规模绑架事件又有了新的动静。
But the world's favourite food is American fast food. 但是全世界人喜欢的食物是美国快餐。
But the worst problem is the crop loss. 最严重的问题是园艺栽培的损失。
But the worst was still to come. 但最糟糕的事情还是发生了。
But the yen's softness this year is a puzzle. 但为何今年日元会出现温和态势却成了一个不解之迷。
But the young Prince will pass by our door, and I will put on my best for the moment. 但是那年轻的王子将从我们门前走过,这时节我要穿上我最好的衣裳。
But the young king said, Who knows what good he may have done? Leave him alone. He is my most faithful Johannes. 但国王还是说道:「谁知道他这么做是为了甚么呢?让他做吧!他是我忠实的仆人约翰。」
But their applications have been greatly restricted by the unsolvable property of carbon nanotubes in aqueous and organic solvents, so the functionalization of carbon nanotubes becomes the research focuse. 由于碳纳米管不溶于水和有机溶剂,极大地制约了其性能应用,因此碳纳米管的功能化就成为目前研究的热点。
But their broader effect may be damaging. 但在更加广泛的层面上,它们带来的却是负面影响。
But their efforts to please the property-owning middle class suggest they have a lot in common. 但他们都努力讨好拥有资产的中产阶级,表明了他们有许多相同之处。

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