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I framed the words in my mind: Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you?

I found this out when I was warming up for the match. 我发现我没时间为比赛做热身了,我也没时间吃东西了。
I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of insular prejudice. 我发现,这大大有助于消弥井蛙之见。
I found your coat after you had left the house. 你离开房子之后,我发现了你的外衣。
I found, however, by some broken expressions that I heard now and then, they were disputing warmly on the merit of two foreign musicians, one a cousin, the other a moscheto; in which dispute they spent their time, seemingly as regardless of the shortness 偶尔断断续续也可听清一两句,原来它们正在热烈讨论两位外国音乐家的优劣比较——那两位,一位是蚋先生,一位是蚊先生;讨论得非常之热烈,它们似乎忘记了“虫生”的短促,好像很有把握可以活满一个月似的。
I founded an orphanage last year and feel obliged to take care of those children. 去年我创办了一个孤儿院。我觉得有责任去照顾那些小孩。
I framed the words in my mind: Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you? 我心里在嘀咕:对不起,我有什么举止行为冒犯你了吗?
I freaked out when I saw the bear in my backyard. 我在我家后院看见那只熊﹐真把我吓了一大跳。
I freely admit that I made a mistake. 我欣然承认我犯了个错误.
I frequently paused on the bridge spanning the River Thames to watch the broad river flowing along on its never-ending journey to the sea. 因为返回车站的时间还比较宽余,所以我经常在横跨泰晤士河的大桥上小想片刻,凝视着那宽阔的、奔腾不息的河流。
I frequently use the Internet search related computer aspect new knowledge. 我经常使用网际网路来搜寻有关电脑方电新的知识。
I fried it first and then boiled it so that it is crisp outside and soft inside. 我先把它炸了,然后又煮,这样整道菜外脆内嫩。

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