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Beautiesis a vital prototype in ancient Chinese poetry.

Be warned, O Jerusalem, Or I shall be alienated from you, And make you a desolation, A land not inhabited. 耶6:8耶路撒冷阿、你当受教、免得我心与你生疏、免得我使你荒凉、成为无人居住之地。
Be warned: the use of our cables to listen to music can be addictive. 小心:使用我们的线材听音乐会上瘾的。
Bear Formnow grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health. 熊形态从增加25%的生命总值改为增加25%的耐力。
Bear with me that I may speak; Then after I have spoken, you may mock. 伯21:3请宽容我、我又要说话.说了以后、任凭你们嗤笑罢。
Beating Paraguay wasn't paradise, so this isn't hell. 战胜巴拉圭不是上了天堂;同样今天也不意味着地狱.
Beautiesis a vital prototype in ancient Chinese poetry. 摘要“美人”是中国古诗的重要原型。
Beautiful, marvellous. We are feeling good, we are together, it is healthy, better than this...it beats the Dolce Vita. 「很美、很了不起,我们觉得很好,能在一起,很健康,媲美好的生活。」
Beauty is a short-lived tyranny. 秀丽是一种短寿的暴政。
Beauty is kind and gentle.Like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us. 伤心痛苦者说:美是善良而温柔的.她像一位因自己的荣耀而半含羞涩的年轻母亲,走在我们的身边.
Because Bill Gates, richest man on the planet -- for now, anyway -- is a college dropout, and you are not. 因为比尔·盖茨,这个行星上最富有的人——就目前而言---是个退学生,而你不是。
Because God did not bless us,say Communists, we had three successive years of famine. “老天爷不保佑我们,我们遭受了连续三年的自然灾害。”共产党人也这么说。

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