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Master Gotama has make the Dhamma clear in many ways, as though he were turning upright what had been overthrown, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one who was lost, or holding up a lamp in the darkness for those with eyesight to see forms.

Master Chew taking a boat to the affected shop house residence at a small island 2.5 hours away from Tanjong Pinang. 师父们乘两个半小时船到另一个小鱼村岛的杂货店屋。
Master Control A control section in a typical paralleling system that provides total system metering and the interface point between the paralleling system and the facility. 主控制主控制是典型的并联系统计量控制设备,也是并联系统与用电设施之间的接口。
Master Degree, Computer Science, University of Oregon (Sep. 2000 - Present). 2000年9月-至今,俄勒冈大学攻读计算机科学博士学位。
Master Foo turned back to the neophyte. The housecat may mock the tiger, said the master, but doing so will not make his purr into a roar. 无名师转向新门徒.家猫也能欺负老虎,无名师说,但是猫叫永远比不过虎吼.
Master Foo turned to the end-user. Tell me, he inquired, why do you seek the Way? 无名师转向最终用户.告诉我,他问,为何你要寻求大道?
Master Gotama has make the Dhamma clear in many ways, as though he were turning upright what had been overthrown, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one who was lost, or holding up a lamp in the darkness for those with eyesight to see forms. 领导者乔达摩巳经将法义从各方面阐释透彻了,就好像将颠覆者扶正,将隐蔽者彰显,指引迷者方向,同时于幽暗中树立明灯给人看清目标。
Master Gu especially stressed on research and development of Chinese martial arts, he had published “Dragon Sword”, “Three Palms in Eight Steps”, etc. 顾汝章宗师还十分重视武术的研究整理,先后出版《龙形剑》、《八步三掌》等武术套路专著。
Master Gu's statue stands quietly and solemnly within the brushes. 宗师塑像矗立在绿树丛中,庄严肃穆。
Master Healer 5000 Cures all hit points and conditions 1x per day (except eradicated). 大师医师5000给队伍恢复生命并治疗除根除外的所有不利状态,每天1次。
Master Mode is able to calculate risk parameter real-timely according to your position, as well as to help you quickly know the market information and position risk. 大师级显示模式能够根据你所持有的期权来“即时计算”风险参数,帮助您快速觉察市场情况及持仓风险。
Master Ruogu:Thanks for your praise!I'm going to match a wood pole later! 若谷前辈:谢谢您的夸奖!我准备过一段时间配个木杆!

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