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Article 44 The judicial officers shall deal with all cases impartially and in accordance with the law.

Article 44 Members of the bid assessment committees shall objectively and impartially perform their duties, comply with the code of ethics and be personally liable for their assessment opinions. 第四十四条评标委员会成员应当客观、公正地履行职务,遵守职业道德,对所提出的评审意见承担个人责任。
Article 44 The tax payment guaranteeas stated in Article 26 and Article 28 of the Tax Administration Law shall include a tax payment guarantor proposed by the taxpayer and approved by the taxation authority, as well as property owned by the taxpayer which 第四十四条税收征管法第二十六条、第二十八条所称纳税担保,包括由纳税人提供并经税务机关认可的纳税担保人,以及纳税人所拥有的未设置抵押权的财产。
Article 44 The State Council shall have the power to restrict or prohibit the export of the pharmaceuticals which are in short supply in the domestic market. 第四十四条对国内供应不足的药品,国务院有权限制或者禁止出口。
Article 44 The administrative departments for physical culture and sports of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, strengthen the management of and supervision over bus 第四十四条县级以上各级人民政府体育行政部门对以健身、竞技等体育活动为内容的经营活动,应当按照国家有关规定加强管理和监督。
Article 44 The competent department in charge of electric power shall guarantee the power supply for railway traction and critical loads arising in railway operation. 第四十四条电力主管部门应当保证铁路牵引用电以及铁路运营用电中重要负荷的电力供应。
Article 44 The judicial officers shall deal with all cases impartially and in accordance with the law. 第四十四条审判人员应当依法秉公办案。
Article 44 The office of operation of the Standing Committee shall research and prepare draft legislative interpretation, and shall be put on the agenda of the upcoming session of the Standing Committee upon decision by the Chairman's Committee. 第四十四条常务委员会工作机构研究拟订法律解释草案,由委员长会议决定列入常务委员会会议议程。
Article 44 The people's policemen in performing duties must conscientiously subject themselves to the supervision of the society and citizens. 第四十四条人民警察执行职务,必须自觉地接受社会和公民的监督。
Article 44 This Law is applicable to doctors in technical service centers for birth control. 第四十四条计划生育技术服务机构中的医师,适用本法。
Article 44 When the payer has accepted the bill, he shall bear the liability of paying it at maturity. 第四十四条付款人承兑汇票后,应当承担到期付款的责任。
Article 44 Where an application is made for temporary use of water pursuant to Article 21 of this Act, the authority-in-charge shall conduct a survey and process the application within the timeframe prescribed under Article 34,and make a registration and 第44条(临时用水执照之发给)依本法第二十一条为临时用水申请时,主管机关派员履勘,应依照第三十四条所规定期限办理,并于核定后予以登记公布,发给临时用水执照。

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