Liao, H. J. and Hsieh, P. G. “Tie-backed excavations in alluvial soils of Taipei”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 5, pp. 435 – 441 (2002) (SCI).
米仓亮三、廖洪钧、和林英堂,「?久性灌浆材料和其灌浆砂土之动态行为」,地工技术杂志,第93期,第5–12页(2002)。 |
Liao, H. J., Ou, C. D. and Hsu, S. T. (1996), “Anchorage Behavior of Shaft Anchors in Alluvial Soil.”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 7, pp.526~533.
参考文献1.野@宗,「砂土中垂直地锚之锚碇行为」,国立台湾工业技术学院博士学位论文,台北,民国八十四年。 |
Liao, N. H. Investigating Urban Sign Making as Ethnic Identity in Chicago.2000.
研究在芝加哥做为种族识别的都市标志制造>,2000. |
Liaocheng Tiangong Mechanical Co.Ltd.was founded in 1996,which produces rock drills and necessarg accessories.
中日合资聊城天工机械有限公司创建于1996年,是生产凿岩机及配套工具的专业厂家,系山东省高新技术企业。 |
Liaoning works from the natural system from the Jade wear, hard, wear-resistant, with fat and wax-like luster, the clear bright color, without impurities, no sand heart, no crack; Cool, very full head!
作品由辽宁天然岫玉穿制而成,质地坚硬耐磨,具有脂肪和腊状光泽,色泽鲜明光亮,无杂质、无沙心、无裂纹;冬暖夏凉,水头极足! |
Liars have need of good memories.
谎言者要有好的记忆力. |
Liars should have good memories.
说谎的人应有好的记性. |
Libao Woodwork Factory will step into the new age hand in hand with you to create a brighter future.
利宝木材制品厂无论过去、现在或将来都与你携手迈向新时代,迎接新曙光! |
Libby arrived at the federal courthouse in Washington today where he stands accused of obstructing the FBI's probe into the leaking of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame.
今天利比到达华盛顿联邦法院,在这里他将被控妨碍联邦调查局侦察,泄密中央情报局女特工瓦莱丽?普莱姆身份一案。 |
Libby was convicted of lying and obstructing an investigation into leaks revealing the identity of a CIA agent.
利比因涉嫌泄露中央情报局特工身份,作不实陈述,妨碍调查罪名成立。 |
Libby was convicted of lying and obstructing in an investigation into leaks revealing the identity of a CIA agent.
在关于一名中情局特工身份泄密的案件中,利比被指控犯有作虚假陈述和妨碍司法调查。 |