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Those accepted by CUNY's honours programme pay no tuition fees; instead they receive a stipend of $7,500 (to help with general expenses) and a laptop computer.

Thorpe: Not at all. The West's Final 4 from last season would all be favorites to win the East. And I'll take Portland's and Seattle's future over almost any Eastern team. 一点也没,去年西部的前四名仍然都能赢东部。我甚至认为波特兰,西雅图的将来也比东部好。
Thorton‘s character makes fun of a lovelorn Jon Heder in the film, suggesting that he‘s one step away from adopting a Chinese baby. 桑顿在片中扮演的角色取笑一位名为乔恩·赫德的失恋者,称这个伤心的人“距收养中国孤儿仅一步之遥”。
Thos who eat most are not always fattest; those who read most, not always wisest. 吃得最多的人不一定最肥胖,读书最多的人不一定最聪明。
Those 5 licenses permit GHDC to preregister the sales and collect deposits, land local bank loans, or sell the project as a whole to another company for a profit. 这五个执照允许GHDC预先注册销售金额并征收定金,获取当地银行贷款,或将整个工程转售给另一个公司来获利。
Those I inhabited and loved have all been large and old cities: Beijing, New York, Chicago. 可当代中国大陆没有摩登都市,自然难出摩登都市文学。
Those accepted by CUNY's honours programme pay no tuition fees; instead they receive a stipend of $7,500 (to help with general expenses) and a laptop computer. 被纳入城市大学荣誉计划的学生无需支付学费,相反,他们还获得一份7500美元的定期生活津贴(用于补助日常开销)以及一本笔记本电脑。
Those actions produced some achievements but problems remain: the obsession of traditional environmental governance for the guiding principle, the lack of effective and authoritative institution and policy, the lack of long-term mechanism for public parti 该行动在取得积极成效的同时,存在如下问题:指导思想上带有传统环境管理痕迹,缺乏统一有效的权威领导机构,配套的政策法规的缺失,公众参与的长效机制尚未建立。
Those administrative charges to be levied upon enterprises and farmers should be collected according to the provisions of the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Curbing Acts of Indiscriminately Levying Fees, Fines on Enterprise 面向企业和农民实施的行政性收费,分别按照《中共中央、国务院关于治理向企业乱收费、乱罚款和各种摊派等问题的决定》、《中共中央、国务院关于切实做好减轻农民负担工作的决定》和《农民承担费用和劳务管理条例》的规定执行。
Those afflicted are also prone to volcanic outbursts of anger and transient episodes of paranoia or psychosis. 这些患者也经常像火山爆发一样发洩怒气,同时出现短暂的偏执妄想,或精神失常。
Those along coast lines that have only one flank to worry about can to some degree conclude where the water will come from, which angle, and what cliffs the water will climb due to tidal bore. 那些沿着只有一侧担心大海侵袭的海岸线居住的人,可以大致的推断出海水会从哪里、以什么角度冲过来,哪一处悬崖会因为潮汐的冲击被海水漫过。
Those among equal partners have the best chance of lasting. 实力相当的合作者有更大的几率在市场上生存下去。

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