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Photoreceptor loss is a form of retina damage implicated in many causes of blindness in humans, from age-related macular degeneration to diabetes.

Photolithography then reduces the size of the pattern in a process analogous to that used in a photographic darkroom [see illustration on opposite page]. 接著,光蚀刻法用一种类似照相暗房中进行的过程(见右页图),把图案的尺寸缩小。
Photometric Standards for Absorbance are used to check the accuracy of spectrometer systems. The kits consis of a reference and low, medium and high absorbance solutions. 吸光光度计标准用于检查分光计系统的精确性。其配件包含一个参照标准和低、中、高吸光率的溶液。
Photonic Crystal, Negative Refractive index materials, Superluminal and Subluminal Phenomena, Partially Coherent light, Laser Physics, and interaction between light and matter. 光子晶体,负折射率材料,超快、超慢现象,部分相干光学,激光物理,光与物质的相互作用等。
Photonic band gap (PBG) crystals endow people the power to control and manipulate photons, but fabrication of photonic crystals, especially those that work at the near-infrared and visible wavelength is a hard work, requiring high-quality materials. 光子带隙晶体使人们可以有效地控制和操纵光子,但是构建光子晶体,尤其是近红外及可见光区域的光子晶体是一个困难的工作,它对材料提出了很高的要求。
Photooxidation process of volatile organic compounds and gas/particle partitioning process of their photooxidation products are very important on formation of secondary organic aerosols. 摘要挥发性有机化合物的光氧化过程和光氧化产物的气态/粒子态均分过程是二次有机气溶胶形成的重要原因。
Photoreceptor loss is a form of retina damage implicated in many causes of blindness in humans, from age-related macular degeneration to diabetes. 光感受器丧失是视网膜损伤的一种,从年龄相关性黄斑变性到糖尿病,在人类多种盲中都可发生。
Photos and videos are tougher to monetize, but we should expect that generic social networks might get into video sharing as soon as someone figures out profitable and clean way of making money in this vertical. 这两者都没有应用什么复杂的技术而且简单明了,但可能它们通过文字广告所能获得的钱途也比较有限。
Photos are uploaded to an online printing service and delivered by post. 照片被上传到一个线上打印服务商,病邮寄给你。
Photos from Sunday's session were to be exhibited at an Amsterdam club later Sunday. 上周日拍摄的裸照将于本周日在阿姆斯特丹的一个俱乐部展出。
Photos of the birdhouse as it is being built would also be helpful. 再搭配上一些照片是已经打造完成的鸟舍作为说明的辅助,这样是对浏览者会更有帮助的。
Photos twenty-nine, thirty: at the school fundraiser (22,23) After Gong Jinghong finished speaking, some students, parents and migrant manual laborers one after the other go up to the donation box and put in some money. 图二十九、三十:募捐现场(二十二、二十三)龚京红致完感谢辞之后,一些学生的家长和来京打工者纷纷拿出钱走到了捐款箱前。

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