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In addition, China TieTong established transmission network at the provincial level and city level that were capable of offering varied telecommunication services except for the public mobile communication.

In addition, AI leaders will have certain favorite Civics and they may ask you to either switch to theirs or stop using the one that offends them. 另外,AI领导人会喜欢某特定的城市(风格),他们会让你要么转成他们的,要么用那个不冒犯他们的。
In addition, Appendix D, Using SQL Datatypes,lists commonly used datatypes and their compatibility. 还有,附录D,使用SQL数据类型,给出了常用的数据类型和适用范围。
In addition, Automobiles have made it possible for us to transport large quantities of goods and people at one time. 另外,汽车可以一次为我们运输大批量的货物和人次。
In addition, BUYER shall provide or meet cost of business class air fares and reimburse reasonable evidenced expenses incurred by the Advisor in transit in travelling by a direct route from his normal place of residence to the site. 另外,买方还应支付或承担上述人员公务舱机票费,报销他们从长期住所到现场之间乘座直飞航线时中途转站所发生的合理费用(出示报销票据)。
In addition, Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all storage or other expenses which Seller incurs by reason of such delay. 此外,对于该等延迟所导致的一切储存费或其他费用,买方应补偿卖方。
In addition, China TieTong established transmission network at the provincial level and city level that were capable of offering varied telecommunication services except for the public mobile communication. 在各省及各大城市,中国铁通还新建了不同规模和容量的省域传输网和城域传输网,可开展除公众移动通信以外的各类电信业务。
In addition, China has decided to accede to the Information Technology Agreement and started negotiations on relevant issues. 中国决定加入《信息技术协议》,并就有关事宜开始谈判。
In addition, China has joined the United States in seeking to crack down on North Korean counterfeiting of American dollars and Chinese yuan, as well as on the use of Chinese banks to launder profits from illicit North Korean exports of drugs including am 此外,中国还同美国一道打击朝鲜制造假美元和假人民币的活动,以及打击利用中国银行给朝鲜非法出口包括安非他命在内的毒品所赚取利润来洗钱的活动。
In addition, China will provide 10 billion dollars in concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit to underdeveloped countries in the next three years to help them strengthen infrastructure development. 另外,中国将在今后3年向不发达国家提供100亿美元的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷,帮助他们加强基础设施建设。
In addition, China will provide 10 billion dollars in concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit to underdevelopment countries in the next three years to help them strengthen infrastructure development. 另外,中国将在今后3年向不发达国家提供100亿美元的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷,帮助他们加强基础设施建设。
In addition, Clove communication rapidly structured customer services centers in every province and 300 maintainance maintain stations all over the nation. 与此同时,深爱通信在全国建成40余家省级客户服务中心,150家地市级客户服务分中心,让消费者在最短距离和时间内享受深爱手机的售后服务。

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