Falling in step with Monsieur Renaud, the moon busting through the greasy sky like a punctured balloon, I fell immediately into the realm of the transcendental.
于是我同勒诺先生并排走,这时月亮像被刺破的气球从油腻腻的天空中跃出,我亦立刻堕入了超然的王国中。 |
Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.
利息一下降给公司带来了一个新的问题。 |
Falling into a deep trance should not be a problem with these exercises.
以这些练习进入深度恍惚状态应该不会有问题。 |
Falling off a bicycle, getting hit while playing a sport, or being involved in a car accident are a few of the common causes of concussion.
从自行车上摔下,运动时受到撞击,或者遭遇车祸都是可能导致脑震荡的常见原因。 |
Falling off a bicycle, getting hit while playing a sport, or being involved in a car accident are a few of the common courses of concussion.
从自行车上摔下来、在打球中的碰撞、或是汽车事故中受伤,都只是引发脑震的一些共同点。 |
Falling on the 8th day of the 2nd lunar month, it is a traditional festival of the Lisuethnic minority group.
刀杆节傈僳族的传统节日,农历二月初八举行,最引人入胜的活动是“爬刀杆”。 |
Falling out of love is very enlightening.For a short while you see the world with new eyes.
失恋使领悟,很快你就会用新的眼睛去看世界. |
Falls are a major source of death and injury in elderly people.
摘要跌倒是造成老年人死亡与受伤的一大主因。 |
Falls happen to everyone sometimes.
人人偶尔都会摔跤。 |
Fallujah - Displaced Iraqi children watch U.S. soldiers while waiting at a checkpoint before returning to their home in Fallujah. (Photo by John Moore, April 27, 2004.
普利策突发新闻摄影类获奖作品:2004年4月27日,伊拉克的儿童在检查站惊恐的看着美军士兵,他们在等待接受检查之后返回在费卢杰的家园。 |
Falmouth is a coastal town with an important harbour, and is located at the southwestern tip of England.
费尔茅斯是一座沿海的城镇,同时也是重要的海港,位于在英格兰西南角。 |