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The food was insufficient for our needs.

The food was bad and the bill was excessive. 菜不好而价格却极高。
The food was cold, and the guests quarreled-the whole dinner was a catastrophe. 食物是冷的,客人们又吵了起来——整个晚宴是一次彻底的失败。
The food was cold, the guests quarreled—the whole dinner was a catastrophe. 食物是冷的,客人们又吵了起来——整个晚宴是一次彻底的失败。
The food was declared unfit for human consumption. 这食品被宣布不适合人类消耗。
The food was eaten immediately. 食物马上就被吃掉了。
The food was insufficient for our needs. 食物不够我们的需要。
The food was okay, but we didn't feel the urge to eat there again. 食物还行,但是我们没有兴趣再到那里用餐。
The food was on the table in seconds. 吃的东西一转眼就摆在桌上了.
The food was rather insipid, and needed gingering up. 这食物缺少味道,需要加点作料。
The food was tasty and very authentic (I'm Thai) and reasonably priced. 食物不但可口,而且十分正宗(我是泰国人),价格也很公道.
The food web in soil, with two types of detrital food chain and predator food chain, is defined as a relationship of resource and consumer formed by functional groups of soil organisms. 摘要土壤食物网可定义为不同功能土壤生物类群之间形成的消费者-资源关系网络,包括腐食食物链和捕食食物链。

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