To maintain the good reputation of the team the coach decided to expel some black sheep , those who had been warned on a number of occasions for rude performance.
为了维护球队的好名声,教练决定开除几个害群之马,也就是几名多次因行为粗野而受到警告的队员。 |
To maintain the integrity of the process logic, manual air supply overrides for control and automated valve actuator solenoids are not permitted.
为保持工艺控制的完整性,控制器与自动阀门执行机构的电磁阀不许手动供气取代自动控制。 |
To maintain the security of your file, each nationwide credit bureau`s may ask you for some information that only you would know, like the amount of your monthly mortgage payment.
你保持安全档案每次全国性信用局收盘`你可能会问你一些资料,只知道,就像你每月的供款金额. |
To maintain the social stability and propel the reform of political system, research should be done into the ways to unit the leadership of the Party, the ownership of the people and legal administration of the country, and to assign the power and decide
积极推进政治体制改革,维护社会和谐稳定,必须探索如何在实践中真正做到把党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国三者有机统一,如何科学分解权力、选准政治体制改革突破口等问题。 |
To maintain the testing equipment in good working operation and to calibrate the instrument according to the provisions of the Quality Manual.
根据质量手册条款规定,确保试验设备的良好运行状态,并对仪器进行校验。 |
To maintain their hold on the sixth playoff seed in the Western Conference, the Los Angeles Lakers probably need to play .500 ball throughout the month.
要想在西部保持现有的季后赛六号种子,湖人本月的胜率必须超过五成。 |
To major in developing the power plant simulators and thermal energy automation systems for several years, making the selection and comparison with different types of the nuclear power plant designs and equipments, and doing some research in the waste bur
从事电厂仿真机和热工自动化控制系统的开发工作多年;从事核电设备技术特点的比较与选型工作;从事垃圾发电技术研究。 |
To make China's modernization program a success and deliver a prosperous life for all the Chinese people still requires a long and uphill battle.
中国要实现现代化,使全体人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗。 |
To make Russian army leave the Northeast, the Qing government took neutrality in diplomatic policy but helped Japan secretly.
随着战争的发展,当出现日俄两国分割东北势力范围的倾向时,清政府的外交政策未能做出及时调整。 |
To make a better protection of the consumers' property from invasion, this paper lists some principal phishing methods and proposes some precautionary measures, hoping to provide reference and help for the consumers.
摘要为了更好的保护消费者的钱财不受到侵害,列举了当今几种主要的网络钓鱼犯罪手法,并提出了一些参考性的防范方法,以期能给广大消费者提供借鉴和帮助。 |
To make a cake that can support such weight and still tastes good ②is no small feat.
制作一个能承受如此重量、口感又好的蛋糕绝非易事。 |