Opponents argued it would make pornography on the Internet easier to find.
反对者则认为这样让人更容易找到黄色网站。 |
Opponents called him a jackass.Jackson adopted the symbol and it came to represent him and then the party.
对手把他叫做杰克驴,他接受了,后来成了他的代号,进而他的党。 |
Opponents charge that government over-regulation in the early stages of the e-commerce market could smother an industry that may create millions of jobs.
反对者称,在电子商务市场的早期政府干预过度会扼杀一个能提供数百万就业机会的产业。 |
Opponents discovered that he had opposed desegregation of schools and public housing in Arizona.
反对者们发现他曾经在亚利桑那州反对在学校和公众场合废除种族歧视。 |
Opponents have redirected their firepower.
反对者则改变了主攻方向。 |
Opponents of the move called on an Inuit politician in a sealskin waistcoat to explain why his homeland will feel the impact.
反对此举措的人们邀请了一位穿着海豹皮背心的因纽特政治家来解释,为什么他的家乡将因此而遭受冲击。 |
Opponents of the pornography law contend that filtering software could protect minors effectively enough to make the law unnecessary.
反对色情法律的人认为没有必要立法因为过滤软件足以有效地保护未成年人。 |
Opponents of wigs thought they were anachronistic, as well as uncomfortable and expensive.
反对佩戴假发者认为假发已过时、戴着不舒适而且价格昂贵。 |
Opponents plan to challenge the law in the European Court of Human Rights.
反对派已将计划向欧洲人权法院提出废止这项法律的要求。 |
Opponents say mines often pollute nearby rivers and seas, damaging the livelihoods of farmers and fishermen; and local communities' rewards for running such risks are paltry, because most tax revenues from mining go to distant national capitals, and the p
反对者认为,采矿常常污染周边河流及海域,因此将危及农民和渔夫的生计;比起对当地居民的回报,冒如此风险是得不偿失的,因为大部分的税收收入将交予政府,同时利润流向了国外。 |
Opponents say the cameras deny drivers their right to confront their accusers in court and are a ploy by local governments to raise revenue.
反对人士表示这种摄影机使驾驶无权到法院与原告对质,而且是地方政府提高收入的伎俩。 |