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Hello, this is Deicide Administration Team.

Hello, pumping finish, I will blow out with air. 喂,泵油结束了,我用空气吹除。
Hello, the our company is provides the plant the highly effectivefunction fast-acting to dispel the smallpox, to dispel the spotsurface membrane, the health care skin appliances product end productand the raw material production factory for a long time, t 您好,我公司是长期提供植物高效功能型速效祛痘、祛斑面膜、保健护肤品产品成品及原料的生产厂家,产品效果好,3天即可见到效果,产品安全无副作用,是目前市场上比较优秀的速效祛痘、祛斑产品,效果质量100%保证,产品方面绝对不含也不会添加国家禁止的违禁成分,我们合作均可签守产品质量符合国家检测标准安全保证书,绝对让客户买得安心、用得放心的产品。
Hello, there's no such thing as homophobia, there's just people phobia. 喂,没有怕同性恋的,只有怕人的。
Hello, this is Bruce Phillips. I am calling for Ms. Taylor in advertising. 喂,我是BrucePhillips。我找Taylor女士,是有关广告的事情。
Hello, this is David Jones. 你好,这里是戴维琼斯百货公司。
Hello, this is Deicide Administration Team. 你好,我们是游戏管理开发小组.
Hello, this is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. 您好,这里是中国工商银行。
Hello, this is Liu Gang. Is Mr. Smith there? 喂,我是刘刚。史密斯先生在吗?
Hello, this is Mr. Smith of Motorola Corporation. Is that Johnson Company? 您好,这是摩托罗拉公司,我是史密斯,请问您是约翰逊公司?
Hello, this is Rick Gates. I am returning a phone call from Carolyn Matthew. 喂,我是RickGates。我是回CarolynMatthews的电话。
Hello, this is Su Ning speaking. 喂,我是苏宁。

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