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In Aug 1976 as TMCHospital was founded in campus, DCD also opened outpatient clinic services there.

In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade. 在亚洲,猕猴桃在荫蔽条件下能生长得很好。
In Asia, there have been signs that some countries that hold a lot of low yield debt want greater returns on their investments. 在亚洲,已经有迹象显示一些持有低收益债务的国家想让他们的投资获得更大的回报。
In Asia, there have been signs that some countries that hold a lot of low-yield debt want greater returns on their investments. 在亚洲,许多迹象表明一些持有低利率债券的国家希望他们的投资得到更多的回报。
In Astrometry, the term is applied to the difference between the observed position (or magnitude) of a reference star and the position (or magnitude) listed in the star catalog. 在天文上,本术语指的是观测的参考星的位置(或星等)与星表上的该星的位置(或星等)的差值。
In Athens, stray dogs are normally free to roam the city streets. 在雅典,流浪狗一般是自由的,他们总是能够在城市的街道上自由的行走。
In Aug 1976 as TMCHospital was founded in campus, DCD also opened outpatient clinic services there. 民国六十年十月暂设牙科门诊部于信义路二段。
In Aug 2002, the gallery moved to its current location。 2002年8月亦安画廊迁到了现址。
In Aug. 1979, President Macie was overthrown in a coup led by the Deputy Defense Minister, Lt-Col Teodoro Obiang Nguema. 1979年8月国防部副部长特奥多罗·奥比昂·恩圭马发动军事政变推翻马西埃政权。
In Augest of this year , police said they had foiled a plot to blow up [ transatlantic] airliners. 今年八月,警察说他们成功的挫败了一起制造跨大西洋航线的飞机爆炸密谋。
In August 1977, a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way. 1977年8月,人类发射了一颗卫星收集有关被认为处于银河系中的1000万个黑洞的信息。
In August 1992, should the Singaporean government be changing its strategy? 1992年8月,新加坡政府应该改变他的政策吗?

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