The sliding mode controller with the line-of-sight (LOS) guidance is adopted for the rudder control to steer the ship in waves with the functions of track keeping and roll reduction, in which the design parameters are optimized from genetic algorithm.
配合LOS导引的滑动模式控制器是以操舵控制的方式,使船只在波浪中的航迹能维持在既定航线并降低横摇量,而控制器的设计参数是以基因演算法来求得最佳化。 |
The slight damage do not take from the engine's power.
那点轻微的损坏并不减低引擎的威力。 |
The slightest bit of dust sets me off sneezing.
轻微的灰尘引我打喷嚏。 |
The slightest change to the program's user interface and the script is invalid.
于是,程序用户界面的最微小的改变也会导致脚本无效。 |
The slightest miscalculations in trajectory can spell doom for a successful space mission .
对轨道的细小的计算错误可以意味着对成功的太空任务的灭顶之灾。 |
The slightest spark can set off the explosive stored here.
一丁点儿火花都能引爆储存在这儿的炸药。 |
The slightest touch may set off the mine.
轻轻一碰就会引起地雷爆炸。 |
The slightest uncontrolled interaction with the room-temperature world around them would destroy the atoms' fragile quantum state.
周遭室温环境中不受控制的交互作用,即使是最轻微的,都会破坏原子脆弱的量子态。 |
The slim Muslim reached his climax when he found the axis of the galaxy.
苗条的穆斯林在发现银河的轴线时达到了(人生的)顶点. |
The slim and verical design realized boilzed boilers potential, that quickly arrive at setting steam pressure (ortemperature)with high thermal efficiency, with out steam pressure(or temperature) wave.
细长立式设计使锅炉在很短时间内迅速、高效达到所设定的工作温度和压力,即使在补水过程中,也不会有温度和压力的波动。 |
The slim bottle and clear perfume resemble a modern woman of classic elegance and nobleness. Its fragrant scent will give you unlimited imagination.
其修长的瓶身和香水液则带有古典的优雅和高贵,是现代女性的化身,乐观明艳而迷人。她将赋予您馥郁的芬芳令人悠然上神往。 |