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With the security door so firm that nobody can break in.

With the scientific research strength of us and the strong support of the relevant universities and research institutes , based on the research, we have developed the automatic colourful tile making equipment, joint tile equipment and new wall plate equip 凭借自身的科研实力及相关院校科研机构的鼎力相助,相继研制出新一代全自动彩瓦设备、连体瓦设备及新型墙板等设备。
With the scorching heat, a light practice is advised. 在气温很高的时候,我们建议做一些轻柔的练习。
With the score 0-0 at the break and chances few and far between, Didier Drogba came on for Shaun Wright-Phillips and Claude Makelele for Ricardo Carvalho with Michael Essien going to centre-back. 中场休息是比分是0:0,场上的机会很少,下半场开始德罗巴换下菲利普斯,马克莱莱换下卡瓦略,埃辛移到中路去打中卫。
With the score 1-all in the fifth, Texas took advantage of New York's fielding failures. 在第五局的到一分之后,德州趁著纽约的野手错误的选择开始大追击。
With the second lock, the trunk revealed broken Sneakoscopes, quills, and an invisibility cloak. 打开第二把锁,箱子里尽是各种破损的窥镜、羽毛笔和一件隐形衣。
With the security door so firm that nobody can break in. 防盗门这么结实,没有入能闯进来。
With the service idea of Customer-Oriented and Manner Honest, for the great wall of tomorrow, let us work together in glory! We are looking forward for your calls! 我们的生命融入到无限的永恒中,我们要让自己的生命活的充实、丰盈,让自己的生命放出光彩,实现生命的价值,对客户永不放弃、绝对坚持到底。晟图与您携手共创辉煌的明天!晟图期待您的来电!
With the setting of the sun, night comes silently. 随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。
With the setting up of new stages, reforms on a theatre's architectural style, spatial structure and mode of performance, and bringing forth new plays, the theatre's integral atmosphere, social functions and spatial properties all had changes, and consequ 以新舞台的建立为标志,伴随着戏园建筑样式、空间结构、表演方式的变革以及表演剧目的推陈出新,戏园的整体氛围、社会功能和空间属性都发生了变化,因之逐渐从一般意义上的娱乐场所转变为批判性的公共空间。
With the sewing machine I can produce two times more work than sewing by hand. 有这台缝纫机,我的产出是手缝的三倍。
With the shift of classical hermeneutics to modem philosophical hermeneutics, it acquires a pluralized sense beyond a mere interpretation of classical texts and is open to more possibilities, which in turn offers comparative poetics more possibilities of 随着古典诠释学向现代哲学诠释学的转换,诠释学不再仅是时经典文本的诠释而具有多元化的意义,从而为自己找到广阔的诠释空间,因此在诠释学的视野下比较诗学也具有更加开放的被诠释可能。

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