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She always nosily loved to inquire about other people's things.

She always makes such a meal of it I could do it in half the time! 她总是过於认真--要让我做, 一半时间就够了!
She always makes such a meal of it I could do it in half the time! 她总是过于认真--要让我做,一半时间就够了!
She always mess with things but it seemed that she got it through this time. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
She always messes up things,but it seems that everytime she settles it down. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
She always miss her friends at Florida. 她常常想到她在佛罗里达的朋友.
She always nosily loved to inquire about other people's things. 她总是爱闲着没事打听别人的事。
She always played tricks behind everyone's back, but just to throw out the baby with the bath. 她老爱在大家的背后耍花招,到头来只是竹篮打水一场空。
She always purrs and rubs against my leg. 她总是发出咕噜咕噜的声音,摩擦著我的腿。
She always puts on an air of innocence. 她总是装出一副纯纯的样子。
She always remembers me at Christmas. 她总在圣诞节送礼物给我。
She always say some good but lip-born words. 她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

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