The reason why DPP did not crash as many experts predicted was because of it's good performance in the city governments.
在大环境不利于民进党的情况下,民进党能止跌回稳,还是靠民进党过去在直辖市执政的政绩。 |
The reason why Great-harmonism is necessary lies in the fact that if we do not adopt it, i.e., on one hand, on international arena, to found a EU-like World Union by way of Asian Union or UN reform and therefore realize globalization in right direction, o
余以为,大同主义之所以必要,是由于:如不实行大同主义,即一方面,在国际上,经由亚盟或联合国改革建立起类似于欧盟的世界联盟,从而在正确的方向上实现全球化,另一方面则在各国国内经由小康走向大同,这个地球上有限的资源、环境和生态“家底”会在各国拼命地竟相提高各自综合国力以获取对于他国“上手”即优势地拉的竞争和努力中,同时也由于资本主义市场经济条件下凯恩斯主义浪费经济学之宏观经济运行机制的作用,而迅速地、呈加速度地被拼光。 |
The reason why a great conductor makes notations on his musical scores—marks them up again and again each time he returns to study them—is the reason why you should mark your books.
为什么一个伟大的指挥家会在乐谱上做记号—甚至每次研究都会重复标记—其中的奥妙正是你应该在书上做记号的原因。 |
The reason why he didn't come is that he was ill.
他不能来的原因是他病了. |
The reason why he failed is that he refused to listen to my advice.
他失败的原因是他拒绝听从我的劝告. |
The reason why he failed is that he relies on others too much.
10他失败的原因是他太依赖别人。 |
The reason why is get a feel for how many times we've re-invented this wheel.
原因是因为感觉到“我们一共重复发明了多少次轮子”。 |
The reason why lopsided cultural con sumption come into being due to many reasons, such as money worship overflowing, vulgarity of cultural market and variation of social behavior.
畸型文化消费的形成,在于拜金主义泛滥、文化市场低俗化和社会的诸多变异行为。 |
The reason why men are protected at up to four drinks per day, while women lose the protection after two glasses has to do with how men and women metabolise alcohol, researchers say.
研究人员表示,男性日饮四杯不伤身,而女性饮两杯就会丧失保护机能,其与男女酒精代谢能力有关。 |
The reason why so many people are fascinated by yoga is because it helps improve the deeper experience of knowing oneself and the world, and it can make one feel good.
那麽多人为瑜伽著迷的原因,是因为瑜伽有助于增进对自我及世界更深一层的了解,而且它能让人变得很舒服。 |
The reason why the term Pujya - meaning blank - came to be sanctified can only be guessed.
为何术语“普杰雅”——代表空白的意思——的理由的神圣化只能够猜想。 |