The actress often forgot her lines but was very good at ad libbing.
那个女演员常忘台词, 却极擅长临时拼凑. |
The actress received numerous floral tributes.
那位女演员接受了许多献花。 |
The actress refused any interviews to journalists.
这位女演员拒绝一切记者的来访。 |
The actress revels in all the attention she gets from the media.
这位女演员陶醉于传媒对她的吹捧。 |
The actress sang two encores.
这位女演员加唱了两首歌。 |
The actress shot to fame for her role in TV series Pink Ladies, which was adapted from Taiwan cartoonist Zhu Deyong's comic book.
陈好以在电视剧《粉红女郎》中饰演的角色而走红,该剧改编自台湾漫画作家朱德庸的连环漫画册。 |
The actress spoke only three lines in the first act.
在第一幕中这位女演员只有三行台词。 |
The actress took a fellow passenger's remark that whales are often attracted by music as her cue to belt out a stirring impromptu rendition ofAmazing Grace.
一位同行的游客说音乐常常引来鲸群,这位女演员受此话启发,即兴激动人心地高歌了一曲《迷人的风度》。 |
The actress wanted a hat to go with her dress.
女演员需要一顶与衣服相配的帽子。 |
The actress was aware that she had committed a double bagger when she completely forgot her lines, and then her wig fell off.
那位女演员很清楚自己做了一件无地自容的事,因为她忘了台词,而且假发也掉了下来。 |
The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door.
那位女演员当她要离开后台门时遇上一大群记者。 |