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I deeply regret your misfortune.

I deem that you're mislead by the propaganda and maybe you're brainwashed. 我觉得你是被宣传误导了,也许是被洗了脑子了。
I deem that you're misled by the propaganda and maybe you're brainwashed. 我觉得你是被宣传误导了,也许是被洗了脑子了。
I deep processing and minerals companies is the main international trade for the private joint-stock enterprise groups. 我公司是以矿产品深加工及国际贸易为主体的民营股份制企业集团。
I deeply believe in the capacity of democracy to surmount any trials that may lie ahead, provided only that we practice it in our daily lives. 我深信,假如我们在日常生活中实行民主,民主有能力经受其可能面临的任何考验。
I deeply love those eagles flying high in mountains. 我深爱群山中鹰的翱翔,那才是生命的旋律。
I deeply regret your misfortune. 对你的不幸我深感同情。
I deeply respect her courage. 我深深敬佩她的勇气。
I deeply respect his integrity. 我深深尊重他的正直。
I deeply thanks a million those whether have helped me or not . 4不管你们是否曾经帮助过我,我都要谢谢你们。
I default on the installment payment. 我没有付分期应付的款。
I defer to my parents because they are older and wiser. 我听从父母,因为他们年长见多识广。

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