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The making of such a mold or cast, as with plaster of Paris.

The making and sale of masterly hand-crafted violins , violas , cello &double basses. 制作、销售手工小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和贝司。
The making of architecture is a cyclical and dynamic process always growing and building on itself. 建筑物的修建是一个依靠自身不断成长和积累的循环、动态过程。
The making of drawings in accordance with the rules of mathematics, as in engineering or architecture. 工程制图遵循数学法则制作的图形(例如工程学和建筑学中的)
The making of false statements could result in the invalidation of the contract. 提供虚假资料可能导致合同失效.
The making of morden regional distribution center is an essential requirement to develope Chinas chain enterprise. 摘要发展现代化的区域性配送中心是我国连锁企业的发展的必然要求。
The making of such a mold or cast, as with plaster of Paris. 制印模用石膏对这种模型或模子的制作,如用巴黎的石膏
The making-up is women's mending of God's casual creation. 化妆,代表女人对上帝造人时的不经心的努力,自己动手修改她。
The malaria-carrying mosquito is honoured in Sierra Leone today for making the country thewhite man's gravein the past and preventing Europeans settling there. 塞拉利昂的疟蚊,由于它过去曾使这个国家成为“白人的坟墓”,使欧洲人无法在此定居,如今受到了人们的赞誉。
The male and female genders are equal. 男性和女性是平等的。
The male and female joint confines the gasket O.D and I.D. 这种外螺纹和内螺纹连接限制了垫圈的外径和内径。
The male and female skin, the genitals antibacterial, the sterilization, stop itch, eliminate the unusual smell. 男女皮肤、阴部的抗菌、杀菌、止痒、除异味。

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