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Founded soon after the Chinese Communist revolution, Harbin has been deeply involved in PLA military technical research.

Founded on 2 May 2000, our corporate objective is to constitute a diversified portfolio of equity holdings in unlisted companies. 法国沃尼艾创新公司建立于2000年5月2日,我们公司的目标是针对未上市的公司建立各种股份控股案例公司。
Founded on 24th of November, 1997, Xiamen Kingdomway Vitamin Incorporation is one of Key High-tech Enterprises of National Torch Plan Projects. 厦门金达威维生素股份有限公司是国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业。
Founded on the mottos of humanitarian concerns, superior technology, unbeatable reliability, pragmatic effort and superb efficiency, ZCIG has been devoted to pursuing excellence and creating classics. 以人为本,科技领先,信誉至上,务实高效。ZCIG人始终不渝追求卓越,创造经典。
Founded on the theories of statistical learning, mathematical programming and functional analysis, SVR is shown to outperform the traditional multiple linear regression method from the perspective of regression accuracy. 根基于统计学习、数学规划及氾函分析理论,支援向量迴归方法较传统的多元迴归方法在迴归正确性上有较好的成效。
Founded on this English Channel island in 1959 by zoologist Gerald Durrell, the Jersey Trust Zoo (now called Durrell Wildlife) protects and breeds more than 100 endangered species, including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. 泽西信托动物园(现改名为杜瑞尔野生动物园)位于英吉利海峡的岛上,在1959年由动物学家杰洛德杜瑞尔建立,这里保护饲养着包括鸟类,哺乳类,爬行类和两栖类等在内的100多种濒危动物。
Founded soon after the Chinese Communist revolution, Harbin has been deeply involved in PLA military technical research. 中共革命创立不久,哈尔滨已深深介入军事技术研究.
Founded upon corporately work, innovate, JINMEI Decorative material Co.,Ltd have the first class advanced equipments and experienced engineers, in this way, our products is always the best one. 本着“团结拼搏,务实创新”的宗旨,金美装饰材料公司拥有一流的先进设备和高素质的科研队伍,使产品的工艺配方及技术一直处于领先地位。
Founder Christine Lund describes the event as a good source of light exercise with an environmentally friendly twist. There are a lot of mobile phones on the second-hand market, and we are recycling them (before they become toxic waste),she said. 大赛创立者克里斯蒂娜·伦德说,该赛事不但是轻度锻炼的好方式,同样还具有环保意义,“二手市场上有许多手机,我们在它们变成有毒废料前重复利用”。
Founder mutations, which get passed down intact over the generations, are quite distinct from spontaneous hot-spot mutations. 而代代遗传下去的创始者突变,则和自然发生的热点突变不同。
Founder of Reuters Paul Julius Reuter was born on July 21. 1816年7月21日,路透社创办人路透出生。
Founder of ZingO is also a graduate of FYHS, among the batch of pioneers. 惊鼓人的创办人也是宽中鼓队年长级的队友。

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