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The environmental geological problems existing in the West Liaohe Plain involve desertification of land, salinization of soil, declining of groundwater level and pollution of groundwater.

The environment was similar to old mines on Earth that are contaminated with sulphur and acid, says Jeffrey Kargel of the US Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. 隶属位于亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫的美国地质调查局的地质学家杰弗里·卡苟说,那里的环境与地球上被硫磺和酸性物质污染的古老矿井类似。
The environment which animals lived in have been worsened all the while. 动物生长的自然环境一直在恶化。
The environment-friendly,high-efficiency and energy-saving concepts are proved by of users around the globe in actual applications ,therefore we have won the market trust and the love of customers. 我们将一如继往,创造出令客户满意的高品质的产品,竭诚服务国内外生产制造企业,全力营造健康舒适的工作生活环境。
The environmental assessment report cited by the Hong Kong newspaper has itself become a point of contention. 由香港报纸引用的这份环评报告自身也成为了争论的焦点。
The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow's faeces and urine. 所产生的家畜粪尿量加重了环境负担。
The environmental geological problems existing in the West Liaohe Plain involve desertification of land, salinization of soil, declining of groundwater level and pollution of groundwater. 摘要西辽河平原的环境地质问题主要表现为土地沙漠化、土壤盐渍化、区域地下水位元下降及地下水污染等。
The environmental group Green Peace has said that weak environmental laws, careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires. 当地环保组织——绿色与和平称,环保法律的不健全,农民对防火的疏忽以及垃圾堆放是火灾是主要原因。
The environmental group Green Peace, has said that weak environmental laws, careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons of fires. 环保组织绿色和平表示,薄弱的环保法律,粗心的农民和倾倒的垃圾是起火的主要原因。
The environmental group Greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws, careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires. 保护环境的“绿色和平”组织表示环境保护法的不力、农民的疏忽及到处堆放的垃圾是造成火灾的主要原因。
The environmental group Greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws, carelessfarmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires. 环境组织“绿色和平”称薄弱的环保法律、粗心的农民和垃圾倾倒是这次火灾发生的主要原因。
The environmental group, Greenpeace, has said weak environmental laws, careless farmers, and garbage dumps, are the main reasons for the fires. 环境保护小组,绿色和平组织,认为是缺乏强度的环境法律,粗心的农民和垃圾堆都是火灾的主要原因。

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