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Place ice in tumbler; pour in brandy, lime juice and cordial. Top with soda water.

Place does in the test and comes to Miller mountain villa, the advanced person enters the left cellar, light matches, find the oil lamp by the treasure case and light it, investigate the clothes hung on the wall, pack up and get in touch, withdraw from th 普莱斯考来到米勒山庄前,先进入左侧的地窖,点亮火柴,找到宝箱旁的油灯并将它点燃,调查墙壁上挂着的衣服,收起挂钩,退出地窖。
Place dough in a greased bowl, and turn once. 室温发酵直到双倍大。
Place fold of fabric against black guide for an invisible blind hem, even topstitching and fabric tucks. 车盲缝效果时,利用黑色铁片对齐车缝的地方,可以车出完美均匀的盲缝效果,多用于车缝西装裤脚,裙边,适用于电脑机种。
Place for permanent or long-term storage of data, from which retrieval is infrequent. A computer archive, for instance, may be on magnetic tape. 用于永久或长期存储不常检索的数据的地点(介质)。例如,计算机的档案文件可放在磁带上。
Place for selling the Documents: Tendering Agent's office. Deadline for submitting bidding documents and date of bid opening (Beijing time): 10:00 Bid after the deadline will be rejected. 投标截止时间及开标时间:2005年8月12日上午10.00时(北京时间),逾期送达,恕不接纳,投标人代表自愿出席开标会。
Place ice in tumbler; pour in brandy, lime juice and cordial. Top with soda water. 方法:将冰放入平底玻璃杯中,滤入白兰地、柠檬汁和饮料,上端倒入苏达水。
Place ice, brandy, crème de cacao and cream in shaker, shake well, strain into champagne saucer;Sprinkle lightly with nutmeg. 方法:将冰、白兰地、可可甜酒和鲜奶油放入摇酒器,混合均匀,滤入香槟酒杯,轻轻将豆蔻粉撒在上面。
Place in a pan well greased with security and lined with respect for personality. 置入一个以「安全」好好油润过的、以「尊重个人人格」为模型的锅子。
Place in an oiled bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel and let rise until doubled, about 11/2 hours. 将其放到一个已涂过油的碗中,用一块厨巾盖好,让其发酵,直到1个半小时后面发得两倍大为止。
Place in the center the brooch which we used before, minimizing its size with Free Transform and decolorizing it. 将前面我们使用过的胸针放在毛绒装饰的中心,使用自由变换工具将胸针调整到合适大小。
Place instructions to clients in bold type. This will make it easier for the client to follow up on your letter and do as advised. 给客户的指示要用粗体字母。这样做可以让客户容易地理解您的信函并按您的建议去做。

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