Many firms already use this “amine scrubbing” approach to remove carbon dioxide from natural gas, for example.
许多企业已经采用这种“氨净化”途径,例如从天然气中去除二氧化碳。 |
Many firms have paid excessive attention to short-term financial performance.
许多公司过多注重短期财务业绩。 |
Many firms, for instance, have great difficulty in obtaining technical or scientific books from libraries because they are unwilling to have their names entered as having taken out such and such a book for fear the agents of other firms should be able to
例如,许多公司在向图书馆借技术或科学书籍时非常难办,因为这些公司不愿让自己的字号作为借出这种那种图书者登记入册,生怕其他公司的情报人员可能探索出他们有可能在进行的科研种类。 |
Many fish can die or become contaminated from the trash that is thrown into the ocean.
很多鱼会因扔进海洋的垃圾而死去或受污染。 |
Many folk of him joint his birday party.
他的许多亲戚都参加了他的生日晚会. |
Many folk songs were about social problems.
许多乡村歌曲是关于社会问题的。 |
Many follow a two-year, full-time course because they wish to take stock and radically alter their career .
很多人脱产两年攻读学位,是因为他们希望总结过去,并彻底改变自己的事业。 |
Many forecasting techniques which companies need greadtly among management and operating activities are difficult to popularize, one main reason of which is the difficulty in choosing scientific and reasonable forecasting models.
对于企业经营管理活动迫切需要的预测技术,难以广泛普及的因素之一就是预测模型能否科学、合理的选择。 |
Many foreign companies come to China to profit from low labor costs, to abuse the extensive loopholes in the law, and to exploit, in the narrow Marxist sense of the word, local workers and environmental conditions.
之所以像中国这样的发展中国家对于外国投资者具有很大的吸引力,就是因为劳动力成本低,法律体系存在很多漏洞,用马克思主义的话说,就是可以“剥削”当地的工人和环境资源。 |
Many foreign expressions do not translate well into English.
许多外国用语不容易译成英语。 |
Many foreign projects with investment over 5 million dollars from Japan, U.S.A. and Korea, such as Kobe Steel and Fuji Electronics, have been set up within the Park.
世界500强日本神户制钢和富士电子及美国、韩国等一批投资500万美元以上的大项目先后落户园区。 |