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Among the 9 patients, five were still alive.

Among the 130 monuments are pilgrimage centres, temples, shrines, bathing sites and gardens all sites of veneration for both religious groups. 建筑群的130座建筑物中包括朝圣中心,寺庙,圣祠,朝圣时的洗浴场所和公园。
Among the 16 changes required by Mr Kadoorie was a reconfiguration of the battery to allow for a larger boot; a special box under the seat for chilled hand towels; and shifting the air-conditioning controls to the arm rests from a panel between the front 嘉道理对这款车统共提出了16个修改要求,其中包括重新安排电池组的位置以使用更大的行李箱,在座位下增添了为擦手毛巾维持低温的特殊容器,以及将空调控制按钮从前排座位中央的仪表盘移至后排的扶手,从而客人们调节空调时无须在加大的放脚空间里将身体前伸。
Among the 24 performances were songs by Rod Stewart, Kanye West, Joss Stone, Lily Allen and Sean DiddyCombs, who performed an emotive rendition of Missing You. 整场音乐会共有24个节目,登台演唱的艺人包括罗德·斯图尔特、康恩·威斯特、乔丝·斯通、莉莉·艾伦和“吹牛老爹”西恩·康布斯等,他动情的演唱了一曲《想念你》。
Among the 250 samples of the control group, 48 Candida mycoderma bactenias were detected, in which Monilia albicans bacteria accounted for 93.75%, smooth Candida mycoderma bacteria accounted for 4.16%, Candida tropicalis bacteria accounted for 2.08%. 对照组250例检出假丝酵母菌48株,白假丝酵母菌占93.75%,光滑假丝酵母菌4.16%,热带假丝酵母菌2.08%。
Among the 4 plant growth regulators used in this experiment, PSB was the best effective for the drought-resistance of soybean seedlings. 喷施宝、云大120、地中宝、福施壮4种植物生长调节剂对不同大豆品种幼苗生长的影响基本一致,以喷施宝的效果最好,其次为云大120。
Among the 9 patients, five were still alive. 整体而言,预后不佳。
Among the Andean states, there are fears that their textile sales to America will lose out to China's as the world textile trade deregulates this year. 在安第斯国家中弥散着忧虑,他们担心今年纺织贸易取消管制后中国对美国的纺织品销量大于他们对美国的销量。
Among the Canadian national park signs I have seen so far, I like this one the best because the head of the mountain goat is part of the sign. 目前为止我在加拿大国家公园所见的标示牌中,我最喜欢这个,因为北美野山羊的头是标示牌的一部份.
Among the Directors of Bureaux , Sarah Liao registered the least gain and dropped to the fourth position, obviously caused by the Eastern Harbour Tunnel toll increase and recent traffic problems. 由于廖秀冬的升幅较小,其名次在局长中跌至第四位,明显与近期东隧加价和交通事故有关。
Among the Political tricks were pretended virtue abidance, dissident suppression, seducing and autobiography forging. 无论是恪守德行,还是排斥异己,以至使用谶纬、自造《自本》,都是其权谋术中的一环。
Among the SEC's most vocal critics is Harvey Pitt, a former chairman. 对证交委抨击最猛烈的要数前任主席哈维?皮特了。

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