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The Los Angeles Police Museum is housed in an old station house, and it tells the story of a lawless western town that slowly developed into a modern city.

The Lords is/are debating the issue. 上议院正在辩论这事.
The Lorentz symmetry of spacetime forms the core of relativity. 时空的劳仑兹对称是构成相对论的核心。
The Los Angeles Lakers guard is on a short visit to China to promote street basketball and Adidas sportswear. 这位洛杉基湖人队的后卫此次来中国进行短暂访问的目的是为基层篮球和阿迪达斯体育用品作宣传。
The Los Angeles Lakers once had visions of grandeur that this summer they'd land the key piece to propel them back into contention. 曾经辉煌的湖人队这个夏天成了众人茶余饭后谈论的焦点。
The Los Angeles Police Museum is housed in an northold station house, and it tells the story of a lawless longwestern town that slowly developed into a modern city. 洛杉矶警察博物馆座落在一个老旧车站的房子里,它向人们诉说着一个蛮荒的西部城镇如何慢慢演变成一个现代化城市的故事。
The Los Angeles Police Museum is housed in an old station house, and it tells the story of a lawless western town that slowly developed into a modern city. 洛山矶警察博物馆坐落于一个旧警局中,它讲述了一个没有法律的西部城市如何逐渐发展成现代都市的故事.
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Minnesota GM Kevin McHale would like young players with upside along with high draft choices for Garnett, making a Laker deal unlikely. 洛杉矶时报报道说:森林狼队的总经理凯文·麦克海尔喜欢年轻的优秀球员,当时选秀时挑中加内特就是最好的证明,所以与湖人队的交易不是没有可能的。
The Los Angeles Times observed today (Wednesday) that the costs of premiering a film in Cannes have skyrocketed as the dollar drops in value and the buzz at the festival increases in value. 洛杉矶时报周三指出在戛纳电影节上的首映成本随着美元的贬值而价格飞涨,人们开始对于电影节的价格问题议论纷纷。
The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday that the unhappy superstar told owner Jerry Buss that he would like to be traded by the Los Angeles Lakers. 洛杉矶时报报道说:周六的时候很郁闷的科比对老板巴斯说他愿意被湖人队交易。
The Los Angeles Times shared the international reporting prize with Newsday, whose reporter Dele Olojede was honored for his coverage of Rwanda a decade after the genocidal slaughter. 2005年普利策新闻奖的评选中,《洛杉矶时报》与《新闻日报》分享了国际报道奖,《新闻日报》记者德勒·欧洛杰迪由于报道了卢旺达种族大屠杀十年后的情况而获此殊荣.
The Los Angeles Times won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service on Monday for a series of articles exposing deadly medical problems and racial injustice at a major public hospital. 本周一(4月4日),在2005年普利策新闻奖的评选中,《洛杉矶时报》凭借揭露一所大型公立医院存在的致命医疗问题和种族歧视的系列报道而获得分量很重的“公共服务奖”。

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