During the first half of 2001, the US fiscal accounts were forecast to show surpluses of at least 3 percent of gross domestic product in 2003. |
中文意思: 2001年上半年,人们预测美国财政帐户在2003年将有盈余,盈余额至少是`国民生产总值的3%。 |
During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing.
发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。 |
During the fight, the boxer swiped the air furiously, but could not hit his opponent.
在拳击比赛中,一名拳击手只是凶猛地在空气中猛击,却打不到他的对手。 |
During the fight, the boxer swiped the air furiously, but could not hit his opponent.
译:在比赛过程中,拳师(拳手)猛烈地对着空气挥拳,这是不可能把对手击倒的。 |
During the final years of the 20th Century, Chinese scholars researched extensively on Japanese policies on China, the ties between factions of the Northern Warlord and Japan, the association of Japan with the tangled warfare between warlords, and the rel
在上世纪末,中国学者曾就日本对华政策、各派军阀与日本的关系、军阀混战和军阀首脑人物与日本等问题,有所研究和论述。 |
During the finite element modeling of the bridge, the factors affecting the accuracy of the finite element model are discussed in detail, such as, the geometrical non-linearity of the cable including gravitational sag and initial tension, and the structur
在建模过程中,尽可能多地考虑了一些影响全桥有限元模型精度的因素:如斜拉索的几何非线性(重力垂度和初始应力),将构造正交各向异性钢箱梁桥面板用复合材料力学的方法等效为物理正交各向异性板等。 |
During the first half of 2001, the US fiscal accounts were forecast to show surpluses of at least 3 percent of gross domestic product in 2003.
2001年上半年,人们预测美国财政帐户在2003年将有盈余,盈余额至少是`国民生产总值的3%。 |
During the first half of the eighteenth century, in the old age of Newton and the decline of the Royal Society, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventurers.
请再帮我翻一下这个句子,我自己是这样翻的:在牛顿旧时代和衰退的皇家学会的18世纪上半世纪,英国受惠于农村工业的最后余辉和冒险商人的海外贸易。 |
During the first half of the eighteenth century, in the old age of Newton and the decline of the Royal Society, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventures.
18世纪上半期,也就是牛顿的晚年,皇家学会逐渐衰败的年代,英国仍享受着农村经济和商业冒险家从事的海外贸易带来的最后欢娱。 |
During the first half of this century,Shanghai became 'heaven of adventures' for a moment,for with a romantic and legendary history of a far-eastern motropolics,it used to be a center of industry,trade,finance and commerce in China,appealing to a lot of f
本世纪上半叶的上海曾经是中国工业、贸易、金融和商业的中心,有着远东大都会浪漫而传奇的历史,吸引过不少外来资本,因而一度成为“冒险家的乐园”。 |
During the first ten days of this month, when the tide was receding and fresh water in the upper reaches of the Pearl River was flowing down to the lower reaches of the Zhuhai part, Zhuhai water supply department took advantage of this opportunity and suc
本月上旬,我市供水部门根据每月的涨落潮规律,抓住海水退潮后上游淡水补充到主要河道的时机,开足泵站抽水,成功抢抽到700万立方米的淡水补充到水库中。 |
During the first three decades of my life as a Rotarian, Rotary was growing steadily.
在我扶轮社员生涯的头三十年里,扶轮稳健成长。 |