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According to our current tax law,a company engaging in production operations sales new goods online should pay 17% of VAT。

According to orthogonal design, the value levels of the mechanical parameters were chosen, and simulation schemes were arranged; the related analytical samples for neural network were given by FLAC(superscript 2D) calculations; RBF neural network was trai 按照正交设计要求,选定反演参数的水平,确定数值模拟方案;用FLAC(上标2D)差分程序计算得出相应的神经网络分析样本;对RBF神经网络进行训练;利用现场监测位移,对某露天矿边坡岩体的力学参数进行神经网络反分析。
According to our Accounting Department records, your payment of NT$200,000 for your P/O#4512 is overdue since September 1. 根据我方会计部门的数据,贵公司订单编号4512廿万元台币的款项,自九月一日起便已逾期未缴纳。
According to our Manual of Procedure, they exist to further the purpose of RI and the Object of Rotary. 依据我们的程序手册,扶轮杂志的宗旨在于促进达成国际扶轮之目的及扶轮宗旨。
According to our correspondent, the relief effort planned for an imminent volcanic eruption has now been diverted to deal with the earthquake. 据记者报道,预防火山喷发的救济准备现在已经转移到了地震救灾。
According to our country's practice, the paper proposes four measures as follows: establishing smooth channel for the citizens' complaint, setting up the right supervision system of NPC, establishing cadres' investigating system, and strengthening the jud 根据我国国情现实,文章提出了四个方面的措施对策:建立通畅的公民表达管道;建立人大权力监督机制;建立干部下访制度;加强司法独立仲裁力量。
According to our current tax law,a company engaging in production operations sales new goods online should pay 17% of VAT。 我国税法规定,网上销售新货的生产经营型企业应缴纳17%的增值税。
According to our delivery report, we could not find the batch of 40 bicycles on the first page of the delivery order. 在我的出货纪录里,没有查询到第一项40台脚踏车这笔出货纪录。
According to our experence, these article of handicraft have a good market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
According to our experience ,These handicraft can find a rady market in japan . 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
According to our experience, these handicraft have a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。
According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a good market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。

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