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My family are kindly and friendly.

My family and I usually have dinner outside on Saturdays. 我家人和我周六经常在外面吃大餐。
My family and the other eight members of the safari are spectators of a boxing match between the roughly five-meter-tall ungulates. 我儿子班杰明兴奋得高喊:「我用五块钱赌右边这只会赢!」
My family are all early rises. 我家里的人都是早起者。
My family are friendly and interdependent. 我的家人友爱互助.
My family are having lunch now. 我们一家人现在正吃午饭。
My family are kindly and friendly. 我的家人友爱互助.
My family are loving and supportive. 我的家人友爱互助.
My family came to 9)retrieve me. 我的家人来接我了。
My family did not show much interest in this business at the very beginning, but as they got to know more about the company and saw how I was growing and developing, they too decided to get involved. 当初家人并不十分支持,后来多了解公司的背景和动向,又看到我期间不断的成长,渐渐也接受和加入了安利。
My family goes back to the 18th century. 我的家族可追溯到18世纪。
My family has a lot of good energy going in one direction and because of it, we get a lot of things done. 我的家庭有能很投入地同心协力,因此我们完成了许多事情。

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