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They also tend to brood or ruminate more than satisficers do.

They also supply an income. 它同时也能提供收入。
They also talked about the past. 她们也回忆过去。
They also teach about legal issues like plagiarism and libel law and freedom of speech. 他们也教授法律事务课程,如剽窃、诽谤和言论自由。
They also tell stories about the shapechangers of legend, monsters who prey on the weak. 他们的床边故事里也有变形者,捕食弱者的怪兽。
They also tend not to work with custom controls. 它们也不大能够与定制的控件一起使用。
They also tend to brood or ruminate more than satisficers do. 他们也比满足化者容易陷入忧思。
They also tend to offer all savers the same rate, at least within one state, whereas local banks react more nimbly to local economic conditions. 他们也倾向于向所有储户提供相同的利率(至少在同一州内),而本地银行对当地经济环境的反应更加敏锐。
They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. 诗65:8住在地极的人、因你的神迹惧怕.你使日出日落之地都欢呼。
They also that seek after my life lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long. 诗38:12那寻索我命的、设下网罗.那想要害我的、口出恶言、终日思想诡计。
They also think that a single chrysanthemum petal placed in the bottom of a wine glass encourages a long and healthy life. 他们还认为在葡萄酒杯底放置一片花瓣放能够带来健康长寿。
They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world. 11他们还认为,在世界其他四方得湖泊中可能也有类似得怪物。

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