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Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly.

Open your eyes and see things as they really are. 打开心灵之窗,看清事物的本质。
Open your eyes, your hearts, your hands, and avoid the poison your forebears so greedily sucked in from History. 睁开你们的眼睛,敞开你们的心灵,张开你们的双手,要免遭你们的先人在历史上十分贪婪地吸取的毒害。
Open your eyes: See things for what they really are, thereby sparing yourself the pain of false attachments and avoidable devastation. 拥抱(接受)你所得到的一切:情况不如我们的预期,事情总是自行发生,人们也以他们自己的方式表现。
Open your mind and take in different perspectives. 要宽容的去接受各种角度的看法。
Open your mouth a little wider,' said the dentist. 把嘴张大点,'牙科医生说.
Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly. 张开口,大声读这个音。
Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all the unfortunate. 箴31:8你当为哑吧〔或作不能自辨的〕开口.为一切孤独的伸冤。
Open your mouth wide, with your tongue in the middle in a low position; the lips are naturally opened. 发音时,口大开,舌位低、舌头居中央,唇形呈自然张开状。
Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy. 箴31:9你当开口按公义判断、为困苦和穷乏的辨屈。
Open your mouth; judge righteously, And minister justice to the poor and needy. 9你当开口按公义审判,为困苦和穷乏人秉持公理。
Open) One possible answer: I like going on a journey at sea because I can enjoy myself, do whatever I like and meet different kinds of people. 对于海上旅行我更喜欢的是有机会见到很多国家的陌生且有趣的人。

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