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Mining District-City Coupling System means a newly-formed system based on the mining districts and cities, which breaches the inherent separation.

Minimum prices for the transfer of toll collection right prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be determined on the basis of the value appraised by State property appraisal organizations. 前款规定的公路收费权出让的最低成交价,以国有资产评估机构评估的价值为依据确定。
Minimum purchasing experience of 2 to 5 years, preferably in the casting industry. 至少2至5年的采购经验,以铸造行业为佳。
Minimum salary RMB 10,000 per month, welfare package to be negotiated. 月薪不低于10,000元人民币,福利待遇面议。
Minimum/maximum number of switch points. 开关点的最小/最大数量。
Mining Barges can now be built in Medium Ship Assembly Arrays. 矿船现在可以在中型船只建造阵列里造了(?
Mining District-City Coupling System means a newly-formed system based on the mining districts and cities, which breaches the inherent separation. 摘要矿城耦合系统是在矿区和城市的基础上,打破原有的条块分割,重新组合形成的系统。
Mining Xiangsu parts manufacturing; Mechanical equipment repair; Maohan. 矿业橡塑零件制造;机电设备修理;铆焊。
Mining accidents can have a devastating effect on families. 矿工伤亡事件对于家庭的打击是极其巨大的。
Mining and smelting industries are being developed on a large scale in Laiwu City, which has accelerated the local economy development at the cost of destroying the environment to some extent, resulting in more and more serious ecological environment prob 摘要莱芜市的采矿业和冶炼业大规模发展,促进了当地经济的迅速增长,但这在一定程度上是以破坏环境为代价的,生态环境问题日益严峻。
Mining at some non-standard writing problems of the abstract in English for sports academic thesis and proceeding with each composition key element of abstract in English based on its standardization, it probed into and analyzed each component of it one b 摘要针对体育学术论文英文摘要中经常出现撰写不规范的诸多问题,根据英文摘要的规范化要求,从英文摘要的各组成要素入手,对英文摘要各组成部分进行探讨和分析,在英文撰写方法上为作者提供参考。
Mining boom stirs wave of mergers and talk of slump. 采矿风潮搅动合并浪潮以及重挫之说。

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