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She said she knew nothing about the robbery, but I'm sure she's in it [color=blue]up to her neck[/color].

She said she even wept when frustrated by failures. 她说自己屡受挫折,甚至还哭过。
She said she got lost in the back streets and it took her a whole hour to find her way again. 她说她在背街僻巷里迷了路,花了整整一小时才找回原路。
She said she had no intention of popping off for some time yet. 她说她还想多活几天.
She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation. 她说她在发音方面有困难。
She said she had started to play in church where she and her grandmother had to walk over two miles, and that she had then played in school, had won many awards and a music scholarship. 她说她开始在教堂演奏时,她和祖母要走两英里多的路程才能到教堂,后来她在学校演奏,赢得过许多奖项,还得了音乐奖学金。
She said she knew nothing about the robbery, but I'm sure she's in it [color=blue]up to her neck[/color]. 她说她对这起抢劫案一无所知,不过我敢肯定她深深卷入其中。
She said she knew she would die soon after my sixteenth birthday, and did. 她曾经告诉我说她知道在我满十六岁生日后她会很快死去,结果不幸言中。
She said she loved orchestra music. 她说她喜欢管弦乐。
She said she needed to go out for a walk. 她说她需要出去散步一下。
She said she once sold bras to the highest bidder in a charity auction. 她说,她曾经在一家拍卖行将胸罩卖出了最高价。
She said she resigned herself to the mindless graft for two decades but never gave up on her ambition to become a scientist. 在这个碌碌无为的岗位上工作了20年后,有着远大理想的江香倩毅然辞去工作,决定继续学习,实现她成为科学家的梦想。

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