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Make sarcastic comments against successful people because of jealousy.

Make regular trip to the public library, and become familiar with the librarians and how the library works and enjoy books together. 定期去公共图书馆,认识图书管理员,了解图书借阅过程,和孩子一起读书。
Make room for me,please? 请给我让个地方。
Make room for us in your hearts we wronged no one, we corrupted no one, we took advantage of no one. 林后7:2你们要心地宽大收纳我们.我们未曾亏负谁、未曾败坏谁、未曾占谁的便宜。
Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one. 2你们要心地宽大收纳我们。我们未曾亏负谁,未曾败坏谁,未曾占谁的便宜。
Make room for us; we have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have taken advantage of no one. 2你们要容纳我们,我们未曾亏负谁,未曾败坏谁,未曾占谁的便宜。
Make sarcastic comments against successful people because of jealousy. 出于嫉妒的心理冷言冷语讽刺别人(特别是做出了成绩的人)。
Make separate lists for each season. 不管怎样,做个规划是必要的。
Make several copies of something. 任何东西都要有几份复印件。
Make some similar sentences use in fashion and “popular ”, they can get more prizes if they say more sentences . [运用任务型教学法,以奖励的方式,刺激学生运用所学句型及词汇,做到用中学,学中用。
Make some stew for yourself on weekends. 周末给自己炖汤.。
Make statistic and analysis nonconformity. 不合格统计和分析。

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