Damage requires material or immaterial harm to a legally protected interest.
损害必须是对受保护的法律上利益的物质上或非物质上的侵害。 |
Damage returned is based on the Samurai's weapon damage, as well as their skill in Parrying and Bushido.
反弹的伤害基于武士的武器伤害和他们格挡技能以及武士道技能的加成。 |
Damage survey teams were to be sent into the areas Saturday after emergency crews completed their work so the weather service can determine the strength of the tornado and its exact path, the weather service said.
气象部门表示:在紧急情况处理小组完成了他们的人物之后,损失评估小组已经于周六被派往受灾地去,以便气象部门能确定龙卷风的强度和起精确移动路线。 |
Damage tends to be concentrated in a few structural members at the early stage, so the stiffness perturbation matrix tend to be in small rank.
摘要在结构损伤的早期阶段,损伤往往集中发生在少数单元,损伤前后总体刚度矩阵差的秩较小。 |
Damage to buildings was reported across the state, including in Honolulu, the state's capital and largest city, which is about 150 miles north of Kona on the island of Oahu.
于夏威夷本岛(夏威夷最大的岛屿)西海岸的一座旅游城市附近海岸线发生强烈地震. |
Damage to even one bone, ligament, or muscle in the foot can be very painful and make it difficult or impossible for you to keep on your feet and do your job.
甚至直到脚部的骨头、韧带或肌肉受伤导致非常疼痛影响到不能继续工作才开始关心起来。 |
Damage to or loss of cargo, fuel or stores caused in the act of handling, discharging, storing, reloading and stowing shall be made good as general average, when and only when the cost of those measures respectively is admitted as general average.
只有当搬移、卸载、储存、重装和积载货物、燃料或物料的费用可认作共同海损时,由于各该措施而造成的货物、燃料或物料的损失才应作为共同海损受到补偿。 |
Damage to or loss of cargo, fuel or stores sustained in consequence of their handling, discharging, storing, reloading and stowing shall be allowed as general average, when and only when the cost of those measures respectively is allowed as general averag
只有当搬移、卸载、储存、重装和积载货物、燃料或物料的费用可认作共同海损时,由于各该措施的后果而使货物、燃料或物料所遭受的损失才应作为共同海损受到补偿。 |
Damage to or loss of cargo, fuel or stores sustained in consequence of their handling, discharging, storing, reloading and stowing shall be made good as general average, when and only when the cost of those measures respectively is admitted as general ave
只有当搬移、卸载、储存、重装和积载货物、燃料或物料的费用可认作共同海损时,由于各该措施的后果而使货物、燃料或物料所遭受的损失才应作为共同海损受到补偿。 |
Damage to reputation or character caused by public disclosure of immoral or grossly improper behavior; disgrace.
耻辱由于不道德或极不合适的举动的公开曝光而造成的对其名声或品格的伤害;丢脸。 |
Damage to the right parietal region of these people's brains makes them unaware of gross physical defects, such as paralysis of a limb.
此症患者的右侧大脑顶叶区域受到伤害,因此他们不知道自己有明显的身体残障,像是手脚的瘫痪等。 |