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When I heard how the man treated his old mother,a disgust of him came upon me .

When I have to march, double lip feels too unstable for comforts sake. 当在军乐队作行进演奏时,双包可能造成乐器不固定。
When I have to stock up on 20 food for myself and my pet simply for two hours of play time, it hurts. 当我两个小时的游戏时间却要用20个背包的格子,很令人不爽。
When I hear it, I have to think of this one night in Oslo, where I did nothing but walking through the city, looking ugly and eating sweets and where I was totally satisfied with that. 当我听这首歌的时候,就仿佛回忆起在奥斯陆度过的那个晚上,我什么都没做只是在城市里闲逛,我一边享用着自己的甜点,一边想象着自己当时肯定看起来挺狼狈的,可我觉得心里特别美,特别满足。
When I heard Pastor Zhang Boli's testimony, God touched my heart and I gave myself to the LORD. 直到去年六月,我和妈妈参加了温哥华学人日间营。
When I heard from the riverside a voice calling, Come, my darling! 当我听到河边有个声音叫道:来吧,我的宝贝!
When I heard how the man treated his old mother,a disgust of him came upon me . 当我听到他如何对待他的老母亲时,一种对他的厌恶感涌上心头。
When I heard that he had passed the exam, I phoned him to congratulate him on his success. 当我听到他考试通过时,便打电话祝贺他的成功。
When I heard that there was a book titled fighter, I was determined to find it. 后来我在爱丁堡的一个旧书店里找到了它。
When I heard that, I was aghast. 听到这里,我真是目瞪口呆。
When I heard there was an uproar over the result, I knew it was the sport for me. 当我听说比赛结果(94年冬奥会女单金牌归属)有争议时,我知道,我是为这项运动而生的。
When I heard this, I tore my tunic and cloak, pulled hair from my head and beard and sat down appalled. 3我一听见这事,就撕裂衣服和外袍,拔了头发和胡须,惊惧忧闷而坐。

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