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The standard of rights is the basic principle for the harmonization of the conflicts between various interests brought by urbanization, with putting agriculture first as the key principle for the harmonization of the conflicts, and the market mechanism as

The standard meter fulfilled its duty perfectly, although its length has been found much later too short by 0.23mm with respect with the meridian. 标准米在应用上十分成功,虽然很晚时候人们才发现其长度比经线短了0.23毫米。
The standard method for freezing women's eggs is to add an alcohol called ethylene glycol to the egg in order to preent the formation of ice crystals. 冻结卵子的标准方法是在卵子里增加一种叫乙二醇的乙醇,它的作用是防止结晶的形成。
The standard method for freezing women's eggs is to add an alcohol called ethylene glycol to the egg in order to prevent the formation of ice crystals. 冻结卵子的标准方法是在卵子里增加一种叫乙二醇的乙醇,它的作用是防止结晶的形成。
The standard models of segmentation accuracy of 30 seconds. 本标准型号的分割精度为30秒。
The standard of living in poor countries is very low. 贫困国家的生活水平很低.
The standard of rights is the basic principle for the harmonization of the conflicts between various interests brought by urbanization, with putting agriculture first as the key principle for the harmonization of the conflicts, and the market mechanism as 权利本位是协调城镇化利益冲突的基本原则,“以农为本”是协调城镇化利益冲突的关键,市场机制是协调城镇化利益冲突的基础机制。
The standard of testing us synthetically is that no client will be dissatisfied. For this, we are always at diligent. 综合考验我们的准绳是“无客户流失率”。为此,我们一直在努力!
The standard of the new course suggests that the teacher should arouse and foster their interests in learning English during the process of teaching, pay much attention to helping students' build their confidence, gain new knowledge from happy activities, 新课程标准提出在教学中应注意激发和培养学生学英语的兴趣,教师非常注重帮学生树立自信心,在快乐的活动中获得新知识,使不同层次的学生得到相应的发展,本单元圆满的完成了教学任务。
The standard of the project is to keep foreign exchange in balance or in a little plus.The company will sell its % products to other countries by itself. 本项目以确保外汇平衡有余为原则,独资公司通过自行出口,将公司的产品%销往世界各国。
The standard output provides a means for the program to output data. 标准输入为程序提供了输出数据的方法。
The standard practice of the era was to preserve autopsy specimens in formaldehyde and then embed them in paraffin, so fishing out tiny genetic fragments of the virus from these 80-year-old “fixed” tissues pushed the very limits of the techniques we had d 当年的标准做法,是将剖检样本先以福马林保存,然后再以石蜡包埋;因此,想要从这些有80年历史的「固定」组织中「钓出」微量的病毒基因片段来,可是得把我们发展出来的技术发挥到极致。

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