If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the string copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character.
这个函数不会拷贝最后一个0,所以需要初始化一下,或者根据长度自己写最后一个0. |
If the function, such as string replacement function, accepts both arrays and single characters as arguments, and if your argument list is not too long, consider writing a few redundant replacement statements, passing one character at a time, instead of o
一些函数,比如字符串替换函数,接受数组和单个字符做为参数,并且如果你的参数列表不是很长,考虑写一些冗余替换语句,每次传送一个字符,代替一行代码接受数组做为查找和替换的参数。 |
If the fundamentals of the company haven't changed, there's usually no reason to do anything except consider buying more if the price has fallen with the market.
如果上市公司的基础根本没有发生动摇,那么假如这些公司的股票随着股市的下跌而降价,你尽可以趁机多吃进一些,此外大可不必有任何其他行动。 |
If the future housing price is expected to rise, the owner-occupied housing demand of an individual with a high non-capital income and a low bequest motive would be increased.
对于具有高额的非资本所得及低遗赠动机的个人而言,当预期未来价格上升时,其目前的自有房屋需求会增加。 |
If the future of Kosovo is settled satisfactorily later this year, the prospects for Albania should brighten.
如果科索沃问题能够在今年晚些时候圆满解决,阿尔巴尼亚的发展前途仍然是光明的。 |
If the gain is solely due to rising energy prices, then inflation should subside when energy prices level out.
如果获利是因为能源价格上涨,在不考虑能源价格的情况下,通货膨胀就会消失。 |
If the game of weichi is extended to include the world, there is yet a third form of encirclement as between us and the enemy, namely, the interrelation between the front of aggression and the front of peace.
如果把世界性的围棋也算在内,那就还有第三种敌我包围,这就是侵略阵线与和平阵线的关系。 |
If the gap remains, I can see the problems occurring.
不幸的是,在科索沃和世界其他地方正在发生战事。 |
If the gas was that scorching, how could it stay confined to such a small spot?
假如那种烈焰是由气体所构成的,怎麽会被限制在如此小的区域呢? |
If the gate is in orbit, not connected to a DHD, and not connected to a power source, then where is it drawing it's power from?
如果星门是在星球轨道上,没有连接任何一个DHD装置,没有任何能量来源,它从哪里获取能量? |
If the gauge is link or with electrical equipments(such as relay,connecter,etc.)which have character against explosion of some safe measures.it will realize artomatic control and alam for the controlled system.
仪表经与具有相应防爆性能或采用取相应安全措施的电气器件(如继民器及接触器等)配套使用,便能对被控系统实现自动控制和发信(报警)的目的。 |