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Ben:Told you. The secret is the talcum powder…refreshing and relax!

Ben:I really hate summertime. My skin is always oily sticky. 我真讨厌夏天,我的皮肤又油又黏的!
Ben:I think we should take the public transportation system or carpool at least once or twice a week. 我想我们应该至少一星期搭乘大众交通工具系统或共乘一两次!
Ben:It's so embarrassed! I am worry if anyone know about it and they'd dislike me…I feel very disgraced! 很丢脸耶!我都很担心别人知道,然后会不喜欢我!我觉得超丢脸的!
Ben:Nope! This is really useful and fresh. Try it, you'll feel more fresh and cool! 才不是!这个真的好用也会让你舒爽喔,试试看,你会觉得舒服又凉爽喔!
Ben:Oh, my-my! Look at you, you get into shape! You will knock everyone socks off! 喔~我的老天爷!看看你!你变的更有型了!真是让人吃惊ㄚ!
Ben:Told you. The secret is the talcum powder…refreshing and relax! 告诉你吧!这个秘密就是多了爽身粉在里面喔….让你舒爽又可放松!
Ben:U?! Buff up? Ha~ Wait to see! 你?练出肌肉?等著瞧喔!
Ben:Well, try this. They'll freshen you up! 好吧!他们会让清爽起来喔!
Ben:What do you mean? What a terrible thing you say so. Smell yourself ~ Just like a skunk! 甚麽意思?你这口吐毒蛇的家伙!闻闻你自己~像臭鼬!
Ben:Women are too unpredictable. Shake it off. Go chase another pretty! 女人心难测ㄚ!醒醒吧,去追另一个美媚嘛!
Ben:Yap, when you do the push up make sure your chest touches the floor and keep your back traight. 嗯~当你做伏地挺身时要确定胸部要碰到地然后保持背部挺直!

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