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To renew the ID-Cert with your existing Personal ID-Cert Class 1 before expiry. Click here once you have received the expiry notice.

To render sound, pratical judgements on everyday affairs, one has to sweep aside irrelevant ideas and get right to the core of what matters. 为对日常事情作出合理、实际的判断,人们必须排除无关的想法,立即触及重要事情的核心。
To render them ineffective, the only way is for all the people of Hong Kong who feel distressed, angry and desperate about what is happening to our heritage and our history in the face of uncontrolled development to turn up this Sunday, 29 July, at 2 pm a 令其公关策略失效的唯一方法,就是所有对香港无节制的发展感到难过、对政府漠视历史和保育感到愤怒和焦急的市民,七月廿九日两点钟一起来到皇后码头,大声说明我们为何难过、为何愤怒、为何焦急。
To renew a brass lid for sounding pipe of fore peak tank. 更换艘尖舱一只测量管的铜盖。
To renew a broken clamp screw for air port in fitter\'s quarter. 更换机匠舱里损坏的舷窗及旋紧螺丝。
To renew defective rivets and conduct water test in following places. 更换下列各处损坏的柳钉并做水压试验。
To renew the ID-Cert with your existing Personal ID-Cert Class 1 before expiry. Click here once you have received the expiry notice. 以阁下现时之个人身份数码证书(类别一)签署更新登记之申请。若收到到期通知书,请按此进行更新。
To repair cooking stove and tile the floor of galley. 修理炉灶,厨房地板铺瓷砖。
To repair the car, the mechanic crawled underneath. (为了修理汽车,技师爬到车子下面。)
To repay the new and old customer support , we have formulated some programes to satisfy you with the price of products more at ease. 为了回馈新、老客户的支持,我司制定了多种优惠方案,使您对价格更满意,对産品更放心。
To repeat: While these QUICK CUTS take place (and if we don't know what they're for, again, that's all right), CAMERA RETURNS CONSTANTLY to the MOUSTACHED MAN in CLOSE UP, with BUTCH beside him, moving in and out, both of them talking fast. 重复:在这些镜头快速切换的同时(如果我们不知道为什么切换镜头,也没关系),摄像机不断转回特写小胡子男人,旁边是布奇,镜头转来转去,同时两人快速地说着话。
To replace Trident, when we face no nuclear threat, could start a nuclear arms race. 在我们没有遭遇任何核威胁的时候发展核武器,只会引起新一轮的核武器竞赛。

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