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A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.

A referendum on whether Hong Kong should introduce universal suffrage by 2007 would result in a challenge to the central government's authority. 举行公投以决定零七年应否实施普选等同挑战中央权威。
A refining process has taken place in the body, a lifting of the rate of vibration; these centers now disseminate their energies and hormones to the entire body. 在体内发生了一种精炼的过程,一种振动频率的提高;这时,这些中心将它们的能量和激素发送至全身。
A reforestation project is being explored, as well as an effort to equip houses with solar ovens. 一项复林的计划,以及为各住所装置太阳能烤箱的计划,也都研究中。
A reformed FDA might thus speed the arrival of the long-promised age of personalised medicine. 改革后的FDA可能会加速个性化药品时代的到来。
A refrain in which an audience joins a soloist in a song. 合唱句,重叠句由一名观众在独唱歌手的一支歌中加入的副歌
A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request. 拒绝拒绝遵守或满足一项要求
A refusal to do so could further fuel claims of Microsoft's hypocrisy. 但是一旦拒绝则会进一步证实微软的两面派嘴脸。
A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction. 否认拒绝承认某陈述或主张的真实性;反对
A region and former country of northern Europe on the Baltic Sea. 拉脱维亚:北欧波罗的海沿岸一地区和从前的国家。
A region and former duchy of central Germany north and east of the Main and Rhine rivers. The region became a duchy in1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in1866. Members of the original dynasty subsequently ruled Luxembourg and the Netherlands(as the house o 拿骚一个地区,从前为中德的领地,位于美因河和莱茵河的北部和东部。该地区在1806年成为领地并于1866年被普鲁士接收。原先的王朝成员相继统治了卢森堡和荷兰(作为奥兰治的王室)
A region characterized by rainfall under10 inches(25cm) per year. 以年降雨量不足10英寸(25厘米)为特征的地区。

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