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This requires political courage: such actions would impinge on powerful domestic constituencies.

This requires great discipline and self-sacrifice. 这需要严格的纪律和伟大的牺牲精神。
This requires groups to convene to fill in the gaps releasing what an individual cannot release on one's own. 这需要召集群体来填充个人自己无法释放的裂缝。
This requires less lecturing and more dialogue; less sentimentality and more recognition that Russia's national interests are not always congruent with ours; less sociology and more foreign policy. 这需要少一点训斥,多一点对话;少一点感情用事,而应更多地意识到,俄罗斯的国家利益与我们的国家利益并非总是协调一致;少一点对社会问题的指手划脚,多一点外交攻心。
This requires libraries to design their service pattern again. 它要求图书馆重新规划自己的读者服务模式。
This requires organizational and political skills of a high order. 这要求一个高级领导具有足够的组织和政治技能。
This requires political courage: such actions would impinge on powerful domestic constituencies. 这样做需要具有一定的政治勇气,因为有关措施可能会损害该国国内强大的选民利益。
This requires that the special invoice for VAT be regarded as tax bill and kept under strict control, more strict stipulations than the Original Methods should be worked out relating to the various links such as printing, receiving and purchasing, filling 这就要求对增值税专用发票视同税票严加控制,并在发票的印制、领购、填开等诸环节上作出比《原办法》更加严密的规定。
This requires that we detect the change, conclude that the change is permanent enough, and reconfigure the application to the new situation. 这需要我们检测改变,知道改变足够长,并为新环境重新配置应用。
This requires the sticking to the goal and principle of innovation, guaranteeing the raising and handling of social security funds, establishing an informationalized social security system, properly orienting the function of government, so that the proces 这就要求坚持改革创新的目标和原则,保证社会保障资金有效的筹集和运营,建立社会保障信息化系统,恰当定位社会保障市场化改革中的政府职能,加快社会保障的法制化进程,建立科学合理的社会保障管理体制。
This requires you to have all fingers and thumb together and pointed straight into the path you want the arm to follow - think in terms of feeling the onrush of water almost exclusively at your finger/thumb tips and nothing but smooth laminar flow across 需要五指并拢,径直指向并进入手臂随之入水的路径,――手掌入水时,要感到水流猛冲手指和大拇指尖,并感到水流平稳地流过手心和手背。
This reradiation or transmission of energy by the nuclei as they return to their initial state is what is observed as the MRI signal. 质子在返回初始状态时所重新辐射或释放的能量就是我们所观察的磁共振信号。

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