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Harvard University President Lawrence Summers announced last week that he will resign as of June thirtieth.

Harvard Business School Case. General Electric v. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators.9-380-128. 哈佛商学院案例研究“通用电气与西屋电气大型涡轮发电机之争”9-380-128.
Harvard Business School said on last week it is rejecting applications from 119 would-be students who it says hacked into a Web site to learn if they were accepted at the Ivy League university ahead of the official notification. 哈佛商学院上周表示,他们回绝一百一十九名想要成为哈佛学生者的入学申请,这些学生以骇客手段侵入一个网站,以便在这所隶属长春藤联盟的大学正式通知前,先知道自己是否获准入学。
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review--- 哈佛公民权利-公民自由法律评论,哈佛大学主办.
Harvard Environmental Law Review--- 哈佛环境法评论,哈佛法学院主办.
Harvard Human Rights Journal--- 哈佛人权期刊,由哈佛法学院学生主办,是一个年刊,其内容介于学术与实践之间。
Harvard University President Lawrence Summers announced last week that he will resign as of June thirtieth. 哈佛大学校长劳伦斯·萨默斯上周宣布他将于6月30日辞职。
Harvard University is one of the world‘s greatest resources. 哈佛大学是世界最伟大的资源之一。
Harvard University: This site offers up-to-the-minute information about Boston area events related to Latin America (lectures, seminars, concerts, etc.). 哈佛大学:网站提供有关拉丁美洲最新的波士顿地区信息(讲座,讨论会,音乐会等)。
Harvard Women's Health Watch suggests if you've missed 10 hours of sleep over one week, make up for it over the weekend and the following week. 哈佛女性健康杂志建议,如果你一礼拜缺少了10个小时的睡眠时间,在周末以及接下来的礼拜内补上它。
Harvard Women's Law Journal--- 哈佛妇女法律期刊,哈佛大学主办.
Harvard also offers a radically different educational experience, stressing breadth of study and real world applications of knowledge. 哈佛给学生的教育也大不一样,强调学习的广度和知识在现实生活中的应用。

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