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May a Committee make a Local Rule treating this damage as ground under repair?

May I write check for this? 我能用支票付账吗?
May Jehovah judge between me and you, and may Jehovah avenge me of you; but my hand will not be against you. 12愿耶和华在你我中间判断是非,在你身上为我伸冤,我却不亲手加害于你。
May PAD printing with two add ink, so get the more printing ink. 可以进行两次上墨移印一次,以便获得较多的印刷油墨。
May Santa Claus bring us happiness and hope. 愿圣诞老人为我们带来幸福和希望。
May You increase my greatness And turn to comfort me. 诗71:21求你使我越发昌大、又转来安慰我。
May a Committee make a Local Rule treating this damage as ground under repair? 当比赛进行时,每位选手皆负有使比赛公平公正之责任。
May a good result wait upon your experiment. 祝你的实验取得满意的成果。
May a reasonable man take mere illegality to be sufficient evidence that an act is morally wrong , so long as there is no specific evidence tending to show it is right? 一个理智的人是否就可以把这种行为的非法性当作它在道德上是不对的充分证据呢?
May all Your enemies so perish, O Jehovah. 31耶和华阿,愿你的仇敌都这样灭亡。
May all beings be free from suffering and attain enlightenment soon! 愿所有众生从痛苦中解脱出来并且早日成佛!
May all kinds of nutritious fruits and vegetable flow into the hands of the consumers in a stream! 让营养丰富的各种果蔬源源不断流向消费大衆手中!

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