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The Early Anglo-Saxons make the contributions to the English state.

The EU, in contrast, will stick to private warnings for the moment, to avoid “playing into the hands” of Taiwan's “populist” president, Chen Shui-bian, by giving him “undesirable” publicity. 相反的欧盟在这个时候却选择私下警告,以避免不必要的曝光率恰好中了这个平民总统陈水扁的计。
The EU, the Americans and others each have their own requirements. 欧盟、美国和其它国家都有各自的要求。
The EU-KLEMS team chop up Europe's productivity performance along two dimensions. KLEMS团队沿着两个思路来分析欧洲生产力的表现。
The EXTERNAL mind control symptoms go hand in hand with the mind/body symptoms to totally destroythe targeted person's ability to earn a living, maintain good relationships, or simply enjoy anything about being alive. 精神控制的外部症状与精神/身体症状一起“完全摧毁”了受害者的生活、维持良好关系或享受任何生活乐趣的能力。
The Ear listened, and after listening intently awhile, said, But where is any mountain? I do not hear. 耳朵听见了,专心听了片刻,说:“哪里有什么山啊?我听不到啊。”
The Early Anglo-Saxons make the contributions to the English state. 早期盎格鲁—撒克逊人为英国做出的贡献。
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low income, working taxpayers and families get more money back when they file their federal income tax forms. 工薪退税优惠(EITC)有助于低收入工作纳税人及家庭在申报联邦所得税时得到更多的退税。
The Earth God finally agrees to tell them the way to get to the celestial palace in exchange for fifty years of Haoqi's life. 董永、元宝和浩淇从土地公求得了上天庭的方法,代价却是浩淇50年的寿命。
The Earth Simulator, introduced in 2002, was the world's fastest supercomputer until 2004, when IBM's Blue Gene took the title. 地球模拟器诞生于2002年,到2004年一直是世界上最快的超级计算机,直到IBM的“蓝色基因”夺去桂冠。
The Earth crust activity of different geotectonic elements could he estimated with the fracture fractal dimension. 利用断裂尺度分布的分形维数值的大小,可以定性判断不同大地构造单元的地壳稳定性。
The Earth is a planet. 地球是一颗行星。

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